Discussion: Ted Cruz 'Experimented' With Pot As A Teenager, Too

Discussion for article #232858

This uptight mofu needs to sit down with a nice pile, a bong, and go at it. But then again, it might make him an even more insufferable asshole than he currently is - droning on and on and on in that monotonous accent and affectation he has.


When are we, as a country, going to stop it already with this foolishness of acting as if NONE of us has ever tried drugs. Some people truly have never experimented and that’s okay. However, the majority of us probably has. It doesn’t make you any less or more of a good person to have tried drugs. Can we move on from this America, please…


Nope. Too many cheap political attacks and false accusations of “hypocrisy” to be had.

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OK, we’ve done vaccination and marijuana. Shall we move on to finding out which potential candidates were “bi-curious” in their youth?


It’s OK for a “tough on drugs” Republican to admit having smoked pot, provided that he reminds us that he didn’t like it. That qualifies the event as a “youthful indiscretion”, and is therefore exempt from the hard prison time that Republicans demand for everyone else who admits to having smoked pot.


I’m sure he donned a white lab coat and lit his joints with a bunson burner.


But…but…but… you were the “anointed one”? Brought up in a “Christian” home with “traditional family values”? WTF happened?


“When he was a teenager, he [Cruz] foolishly experimented with marijuana. It was a mistake, and he’s never tried it since.”

Well, then; we can see where it all started to go wrong for him.


Well it’s not hypocrisy to grow up and think you made mistakes as a kid. The issue would go away if we could just extend the same commonsense forgiveness to non-rich and/or non-white-looking kids.


Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz has (in my humble opinion) indulged in excessive amounts of …

  1. time in front of the mirror thinking how good he is (narciasistic tendencies)
  2. mushrooms or peyote or some other mind altering drug because he is CLEARLY in side some alternate universe.

I forget the subject and the wise cracker, but years ago the response to this was “Apparently not enough.”
But this is probably coming to defuse the legions about to come forth attesting to Cruz being Smokestack el Ropo back in the day.


Senator Cruz I think the question was if you inhaled pot as in Marijuana, not pot and oven cleaner as in Pam .

I think he huffed too much Testor’s airplane glue.


My thoughts exactly .

Experimented? So he is a scientist? Why the deny global climate change?

Seriously, some big deal, Ted. ((yawn))

I bet he experimented the hell out of it.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

The Devil and His insidious ways… It would be funny if it came out that he toked up behind the double-wide ‘church’ on Wednesday evenings - while his old man was droning away inside.

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I suspect we could just narrow the field to sitting members of the Senate with military backgrounds. It’d probably be a more efficient way to get to the inevitable WTF Cares? part.