Discussion: Ted Cruz Applauds Trump's Precedent-Defying Call With Taiwan

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I doubt talking to Cuba will endanger Carrier’s supply chain.

Found as a link from NYT article on the dependence of US manufacturers on sub-components from overseas:


I never posed the question to myself before, but now I see that there really is an opposite to Realpolitik—Fantasiepolitik.
I don’t think this will turn out like a Traum.


Ted Cruz is another of those useful people for setting metrics:

Whatever Cruz supports is, ipso facto, a bad thing. Take the children indoors, close your windows, bar the doors whenever you hear Cruz praising anything.


I can’t decide if this is just ass-kissing (a la Mitt Romney) or if Cruz hopes that starting a war will make Trump look bad. (In either case, there is obviously no concern for the impact on the country)


He plays to the crowd and wishes his were as large as Trump’s


Up for reelection in 2018.


Cruz, Cotton, Trump, and the rest of the know-nothings are bunch of dangerous idiots. Shit like this could cause a war between China and Taiwan.


You traitorous goddamn fool.

And us.


It’s always been my opinion that Asia, in general, tends to take a long-view of everything. Delayed gratification and long-term strategizing tends to be their strength. As opposed to America where, if we don’t get what we see as in our better interests NOW, it’s not worth pursuing. We can only see today; they tend to see tomorrow.

I believe we’re gonna look back on this period as the beginning of the end for America. China doesn’t want to start a war with us because they don’t need to. They can put chokehold on many of the things we rely on from imports and call in their bond holding chips to reduce us to the level of South Africa. They can make it clear that America is no place to do business and watch how many other foreign companies fall in line with that. Doesn’t matter how long they need to wait to achieve that; it’ll happen. They don’t need to fire a shot.

EDIT TO ADD: @mattinpa In line with what you and others are saying, it might be a good time for any soldiers who can leave the military do so now. During the best of times, they’re used as cannon fodder. Right now. Rump, Cruz, Cotton et al see them as expendable pawns that will be te first to go.


Daddy said I had to applaud him . /s


What a shock it will be to his voters when they discover this multiple bankrupt, this hawker of steaks and bottled water, this fraud and chiseler, this lender of his name to garish properties that are to luxury living what Frederick’s of Hollywood is to women’s fashion, what a shock they’ll have when they find out he doesn’t even understand the fundamentals of business. And they’ll complain we didn’t warn them. We only told them 111 times, they’ll wail, and it should have been 112.


Realizing and being aware that you are in deep shit is the first step to getting out of it[1]. Sadly, almost half the nation is content to embrace the idea that, not only are we not in deep shit, but that it doesn’t stink.

[1] unless of course, like flies and dung beetles, it provides sustenance


I’m beginning to believe Cruz’s father did have something to do with the Kennedy assassination.


So many of the feral trumpers just don’t get that their way of life is over. It’s finished.

However “low” they thought that the election and re-election of President Obama took “their” country, they’re about to go much lower and, yeah, I think some of them will ascribe it to the sh*tgibbon which, by then, will have been way too late. The rest will live in the delusion of MAGA.


In a tweet Saturday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) rushed to support President-elect Donald Trump

What a brave, brave man. He tweeted his support!


Loose cannon calls pitching deck aid to accuracy.


I deleted my twitter account, while occasionally interesting and helpful, the chaos of it all disturbed the manner in which I prefer to acquire information.
I completely understand why public agencies and bellicose fools love it.


reckless: adjective: marked by lack of proper caution: careless of consequences: irresponsible


He is facing either reelection in 2018, or a run at the governor’s mansion. Either way, he needs to play nice with Trump’s base. Plus…it goes with his general “American exceptionalism, we have big balls” stance.