Discussion: Tech Leaders Urge NBA To Move All-Star Game Over NC's Anti-Gay HB2 Law

I don’t follow basketball so much but when did the farmer in the American Gothic painting become Commissioner of the NBA?

When his smiley bubbly wife ran off to Mexico with one of the illegal field hands?

that’s not his wife… it’s the au pair…

NC wants to continue developing its tech industry. I would suggest that instead of just focusing on the NBA, these tech leaders take steps to move all tech business from NC’s Research Triangle. Lots of states would love those jobs. The dumb ignorant bigots in NC can go back to whatever they were doing in their racist, bigoted small towns.


I’d like to subscribe to them having decent motives but somehow I wonder if all these Bay Area tech companies also offered up the Warriors’ arena as an alternate site.

Funny story about that. The model for the man in the painting was Grant Woods’ dentist. The woman is modeled by his sister.

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Yea, but probably just like those other states, the thinkers are in a few highly populated centers while the rest of the state is filled with conserative religious folks stuck in by gone eras. Those folks got off there asses and voted in the current crop of far right fucks that then quickly gerrymander voting areas so they’d maintain their offices.

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NC has made all the changes they’re going to make to HB2. Time for NCers to create a “Conservative Basketball Association” for the white kind of people to play the game as Dr. Naismith intended, peach baskets and all.

If you’re in a public restroom and you suspect someone’s gender does not match the sign on the door you should follow this step:
(1) Nothing. (For gawwd’s sake, they know better than you.)


So. Claiming you don’t have any clout is a cop-out. You can move. You don’t need to live in a hate filled backwater. Virtually any other state in the nation would love to have your Research Triangle. Tech people in the Triangle have power. Use it or go somewhere that appreciates the future.

Off topic but WTVD reports NC Gov McCrory has signed a bill into law taking police body cam footage out of the public record :fist:

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More OT but an NC delegate to the RNC has added a plank to the party platform declaring nudes on the Internet a “public health crisis”.

Despite the tar on their heels, North Carolinians should be moon walking back to plantation days by the November election.