Discussion: Team Trump Tries To Weaponize Deceptively Edited Videos Of Nancy Pelosi

Thanks for that. You just saved me a whole heap o’ time. :laughing:

Reminds me of the “fly to Sh*t” story I was told about as a kid.

Remember when we thought Dubya was horrible and the worst thing possible that could happen to our country?

Ahhhhhhh… The Good Old Days…


kinda makes Cheney an amateur doesn’t it. lol
as far as destroying all that matters


I would say that if some knucklehead edits a trump video to make it appear he slurs his words then the trump camp ought to have zero grounds to complain.
Actually there are videos of trump slurring words and they aren’t even doctored.


Keith Olbermann would number the days since the “mission accomplished” banner incident. And then lay into ol Georgie.

So Giuliani wants Nancy to apologize for saying the truth,but will not apologize himself for posting a fake and insulting video - sounds like what a whining baby would do, so much like Trump. this man has no honor, no reputation left. good bye.
I wills say I was happy to see no trumpette that I know posted this video on facebook. maybe they know by now that I would mock them endlessly.

I mean this as good natured as possible, but you’re kind of a jerk for putting that picture in our heads.

Besides hoovering up your emails, the NSA really, really excels at this. They stood down my specialty right after I left active duty. The specialty that they replaced us with (mostly just moved folks over into this program from mine) centered around intrusion and defense. There’s all kinds of fun stuff to be found in metadata.

And yet he never does that.

Understatement of the decade, Snookums.

One wonders why someone hasn’t doctored videos to make President Trump look sane…


Gotta be Florida.

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w/o impeachment hearings the trump 2020 cultural war doesnt happen.and the evidence of a corrupt trump admin, mediocre sub 3% economic growth, possible russian meddling in the election in trumps favor… and a possible war on the horizon …will fill peoples minds when they vote… with.this is why were seeing this orchestrated attempt of character slurs…they have to have them vs us…or its no game…

I unsubscribed quite a few years ago for these reasons. It’s interesting to me that Democrats are virtually never the benefactors of this type of treatment. Funny that, New York Times…

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There is no technical ability to create magic.

Once again, Faux Noise reveals that it is NOT valid news or fair and balanced journalism. If you recall, Dan Rather was forced out at CBS for being duped into using apparently doctored documents to report a factually true story regarding G.W.Bush’s military absence. Gregg Jarret not only used an already debunked doctored video, he then went on a completely unjustified editorial attack on Speaker Pelosi with that slimy spin doctor Ed Rollins.

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Nancy may not be as sharp as she once was, but she way sharper now than Donald and any of you guys have ever been!

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Mental lethargy.

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As the President and his enablers often project the very things they are plagued with (or guilty of), could it be that White House has received definitive confirmation of deterioration in Mr. Trump’s health?

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