Discussion: Teacher Resigns After Student Writes Story About Jesus And Marijuana

Discussion for article #230982

GOd MADE POt. SO it’s GOOD. unless YOU SMOke IT. WhicH is bad.


Am I missing something here? Was the teacher involved in the student’s decision to write this story, or was she as surprised as the rest? What grade did this take place in? There’s just not enough context here to warrant a “WTF” or “Hell Yeah.”

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That kid deserves an A+…what a clever little bastard haha

As for her, she clearly did nothing wrong and this is why we need unions.


What she was supposed to do was gather the other students around and stone the offending essayist to death, lest the heresy spread. It’s all in the teacher’s manual.


The details of one fairy tale or another really don’t matter.

It’s all made up bullshit, anyway.


Wait she was put on leave, because of one student’s opposition over what another student wrote? What was she supposed to do chastise the student who wrote the pot story? I guess that student’s needs are the only one’s that need to be addressed.

From the original linked article:

Guarascio said she felt targeted, harassed and forced to resign. She has one last message for her students.

“If they have something to say, say it,” Guarascio said. “Not everyone’s going to agree with you. But that doesn’t make your point invalid or worthless. Tell your story.”

The administration got their undies bunched up likely because they were being harassed by Christian Outrage™ and figured it was easier to just stifle free speech rather than support it.


Even if she had known what the student was going to write, I can’t see who she was at fault unless she told the student to write it. That would be different.

How did the school administration not guess this could become news? It’s happened enough that I’d be a bit paranoid about it if I ran a school.

I like this kid!

Writing about a Jesus who is

Feeding the hungry

Caring for the sick.

FauXians hate MJ but they loves them some oxycodone — manufactured and produced by ‘scientists and big business’.


Remember: YOUR collection of stone-age fairy tales was personally written by the One True God and is sacrosanct. All OTHER collections of stone-age fairy tales are lies “straight from the pit of hell.”
Seems to me the kid did a very good job with his assignment.


Here’s a nice little lawsuit wrapped with a bow. Have fun with your settlement teacher. Find a more enlightened school district after your well deserved vacation.


This is just ridiculous on so many levels

Faux Xtians don’t like it when people switch reality with their fairy tales.

Didn’t one of the wise men give him myrrh-ijuana?

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

― Mahatma Gandhi