Too little, and maybe too late… Let’s get them all gone this time out
They have been replaced by something even more insidious, lock step stooges to Trump.
Tea Party Fading As Nearly Half Of Its Members Have Left The House
Well, President Barack Obama’s left the stage - No reason to Exist!
Spasm of America’s racial drama continues…
And yet the Tea Party’s bastard legacy - the corrupt, conservative (but I repeat myself), Freedumb Caucus - lives on in the House.
Gee, and I always thought Astroturf was ever-greening and never died. Who knew?!
Tim Huelskamp was one of the dumbest members of that class of Republicans and that’s saying a LOT.
Well, what a coincidence, black guy gone and now the demise of The Ethnic African Party what a surprise!
… AP, and the nutbars you report on as if they’re sane and honest.
to bad the corporate democrats have no intention of addressing any issue outside of their rich owners…or some of these people no longer attracted to the extreme right wing…could become voters for issues like single payer…livable wage…etc.
as predicted we are watching the corporate democrats sabotaging their chance to take over the house which should be a no- brainer…if that were their real intention…and not…to keep progressives off the ballot at the cost of the seat.
Wait for the Democrats to take over one of the houses and in a few years a new outrage branch from the Republicans will emerge. The Don’t Tread on Me, I have Venom Party or some such stupidity.
By some measures, the tea party Republicans have been successful. The “Pledge to America,” a 21-page manifesto drafted by House Republican leadership, outlined the promises. Among them: “stop out of control spending,” ”reform Congress” and “end economic uncertainty.”
Other proposals to improve transparency in government — a pledge to “read the bill” and post legislation three days before votes — remain works in progress.
LMAO. The only people that were fooled by that tea bagger bullshit were the press and some Republicans that were ashamed of losing to Obama and wanted to rebrand themselves. If the tea baggers were really about the principles I block quoted above they would be front and center howling about the shit this administration is doing. Instead they are quiet - cuz its not the Kenyan Muslim terrorist socialist non-Christian guy that’s doing it.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Now if we can only get rid of those idiots Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes. They are truly among some of the most reprehensible people in the House.
In the world.
“What the people wanted”… interesting that repubs who win always claim a mandate no matter what the vote margin or the percentage of eligible voters turning out. They don’t even try to find out what “the people” want - they find out what their donors want and what people in relatively small crowds are willing to yell about. They poll “do you want lower taxes?” instead of “are you willing to have a disabled government to get lower taxes?”. Tea party - good riddance - don’t let the doorknob hit you…
I don’t think it’s so much faded as just not needed because they took over and are fully accepted in the Republican party now.
Well we could move on and discuss the people who voted him into Congress…
Tim Huelskamp found out what the people wanted - someone else in his Congressional seat.
The name is gone -but now we have the iterative Freedom Caucus - which is the same thing rebranded, isn’t it?
Meanwhile - this is how the Parkland kids are spending their summer vacation. Love these kids and what they are inspiring.