“Voters, frankly, after these huge deficits, are saying, ‘Well, how much do deficits really matter?’” said former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., a two-time presidential candidate. “We’re not Greece yet, right?”
One of the few silver linings in today’s cloud is that Rick Santorum no longer holds public office.
Deficits only matter when Democrats are in the White House. Debt ceilings only matter when Democrats are in the White House.
JFC I hate these a$$holes.
The truth only mattters when Democrats are in the White House.
Competence only matters when Democrats are in the White House.
I know there’s much more but anger is getting the best of me.
politically popular tax cuts
With whom?
“We want pro-growth tax reform that will get the economy going, that will get people back to work, that will give middle-income taxpayers a tax cut and that will put American businesses in a better competitive playing field so that we keep American businesses in America,”
The GDP grew at an above-average 3pct in Q2.
The US unemployment is 4.4pct, right where it was in 2007 before the shit hit the fan.
And your “corporations are people” riff is soooo 2012.
He doesn’t pseudo-wonk as well as he used to, poor dear.
Civility only matters when the Democrats are in office.
Regular order only matters when the Democrats control Congress.
Rule of law only matters when Democrats are in office.
Don’t stop now.
Instead, Republicans are talking about tax cuts whose costs to the debt – still under negotiation – would be justified by assumptions of greater economic growth.
Dynamic scoring and magic asterisks solve all problems. I think the GOPers actually believe in supply side. Despite its track record of abject failure they intend to prove that taking Laffer to its logical conclusion will show that reducing taxes to 0% results in infinite revenue. Reagan and Bush the Lesser failed because they were not true conservatives.
Oligarchs and their cronies.
Make America Kansas! Except no one is calling for Kansification (ala Brownback/Laffer style) of the Country. They are playing National Darwinism - but making us take side with the least fittest in the race for survival.
Two of the tax ‘loopholes’ the GOP is considering eliminating are the mortgage interest deduction, and SALT - the deduction for State and Local Taxes.
It shows how disconnected the party has come from reality - their rich buddies probably think these are great ideas, but do they honestly think raising taxes on middle class Americans will sit well right before the 2018 elections?
More bothsiderism from the AP. “Liberal press” my a**. “But like Obama and Bush before him, Trump isn’t talking about deficits. Neither much are voters.” Bullshit AP. Once the recovery started from the great recession, deficits were dropping. Blaming Social Security, Medicare and ACA without pointing GOP obstructionist refusal to do any legislation to fix well-known issues is cute but not reality. Thanks AP for a typical hack job on the economy and both sides. Deficits are SOP for the GOP.
They’re well connected to the paymasters who will be sure to share their cuts. Trickle down works!
These are the people Ryan represents in DC:
"It’s a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham."
Tax cuts always increase revenue. When the tax rate is zero, revenue goes to infinity.
Voyage to the Asshole of the Sea.
Except the problem is that, with the exception of his bizarre extreme sexual hangups, he’s almost a moderate by Tea Party standards.
Once they get the tax cut, and the deficit balloons, they will go after all the social programs for raising the deficit. Count on it.
They should have also mentioned that the Bush tax cuts expired for upper-bracket income in early 2013, which also helped reduce the deficit.
Also, the temporary tax cuts that the Republican-led Congress made permanent in 2015 as part of must-pass legislation increased the deficit.
And they could have also mentioned that President Obama took Republicans’ advice on creating a Deficit Commission in early 2010 – to the consternation of liberals and Democrats who felt that focusing on the deficit during a weak economy was not productive – only to have Republicans walk away from that effort.