Discussion: Suspect Charged With Assaulting Journo During C'Ville Counter-Protest In NC

Need we say clueless?


Simple assault. Does that mean assault by the simpleminded?


emboldened not-so-bright person, sounds about right


Sweet neckbeard, bro. Must be a hit with the ladies. Now the process of finding out where he works, lives and his history of hate can come out. Good luck finding a job and generally not being viewed as a pariah dipshit.


As far as Iā€™m concerned, everyone of these incidents that have and will occur can, at least partially, be laid at the feet of Trump for his grave dereliction of duty on Saturday.

Just surprised the guy didnā€™t yell ā€œfake newsā€.



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Saturday, and Friday, and Thursday, and then a long string of days going back to the frenzy-whipping against journalists during his campaign and attacks on them for decades before that. A journalist may well be the next death we see. Itā€™s not like he hasnā€™t teed it up.


Good. Lock his fucked up ass in jail.

This scumbag is no better than the alt-right fuckheads.


Itā€™s not clear to me from the information in the article whether or not this numbskull was an alt-right Nazi, or somebody who was sympathetic to anti-racists who for some reason thought the reporter was an alt-right ā€œjournalist.ā€

Regardless, charges appropriate to the offense are deserved. The guy is an idiot.


Yet another face of white ā€œsuperiority.ā€


ā€œYouā€™re literally on camera assaulting me.ā€

Really stupid, and aggressive, the hallmarks of a Trumpster.


Hey, my town made TPM! Just wish it was for the great local beer or natural beauty, not this violent shithead.

@bluestatedon Asheville is pretty damn blue, so Iā€™d say heā€™s a great example of how not to resist Donnie and his ilk.


Good catch. I was assuming he was alt-right, but the article does not say that. Unfortunately, some on the left get belligerent as well.

I am confused, as well. I think that because this event was in response to the murder/victim, that the event is being called a ā€˜counter protestā€™ - in keeping with how the two sides were referred to in Charlottesville. I say that, because if there were a protest and a counterprotest I think the report would have indicated that there were two distinct groups participating at this event on Sunday.

And yes - the guy is a moron.


ā€œIā€™m super-proud of my white Aryan heritage - but donā€™t take my picture, man! I might get my ass fired from the Bun Nā€™ Run!ā€


Thatā€™s a good point.

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Unfortunately, some on the left get belligerent as well.

Itā€™s inevitable in this current climate that people on both sides are going to go over the edge. Itā€™s human nature, unfortunately. The fact that this numbskull assumed without any personal investigation that somebody who was simply filming the event was a threat is a perfect example of how reason goes out the window for some people in these highly emotional circumstances.

And I have absolutely no illusion that I have the ability to control my own temper in these sorts of situations, which is why Iā€™ve always had such respect for the people who withstood this kind of abuse without retaliating:

And itā€™s photos like this that really underscore what ridiculous bullshit the whole ā€œMaster Raceā€ argle-bargle is. It would be comical if it didnā€™t involve murder, misery, and subjugation. Whenever I look at the photos from this era in the South, whether itā€™s lunch counter sit-ins in Mississippi or black kids having to walk through angry white mobs simply to go to school in Little Rock, Iā€™m always struck by the sheer blind, ignorant bilious hatred on the faces and lips of the whites. Itā€™s exactly the same look you see here:


I was trying to figure that out, too.

Not sure why someone sympathetic to Heather would attack an obvious local TV reporter, though, so I HOPE it was an alt-right guy?

To be clear, this was a rally in honor of Heather Heyer.

What this person was so upset about is beyond me. If you go to a rally to honor someone you think died either heroically or tragically, and you act like that, you end up dishonoring yourself and your cause.