Discussion: Surrogate Mike Huckabee Calls Trump ‘A Car Wreck’

Hey Huckster, maybe you should write a book about it. Then volunteer to be the guest speaker at the next Annual End of Times Conference and sell a few hundred copies.

In the meantime, get over to the Duggar’s for a Save the Family Prayer Vigil. Tie it in with the Baby Jesus birthday comin’ up and take over again as America’s Top Grifter! Trump’s got nothin’ on you Mike!


@beattycat @jacksonhts

She’s either voting in Cali, or maybe NY. In either case, I’m guessing her vote won’t be crucial to the outcome.


God I love good gossip. Can’t help myself.


Jill Stein couldn’t run a McDonald’s, let alone run a country.

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And, as always, the GOP lowers the bar even further. To paraphrase John Oliver, we have passed rock bottom, and are now on the other side of the planet. Un-friggin-believable. Stay strong, vote on Tuesday (NOT by text message!) and send HO to the obscure depths from which he arose.


Get in line.

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Jill Stein couldn’t run a McDonald’s, let alone run a country.

And let’s see where Hillary runs it.

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Third Party Presidential Candidates sound great, but the reality is that, without the backing of a major political apparatus, they are pretty much nothing. Even if they got into the Presidency, they are pretty much going to be able to get nothing done because Congress will run amok. Now, if a Third Party would focus on getting candidates into Congress and building local apparati in order to build their base support, they could, within about two decades or maybe three try a run for the White House.

Oh, and Trump isn’t a car wreck. Trump is the equivalent of an airplane, crashing into a commuter train which has traffic backed up on a busy road and the plane crashing into those cars as well. And yet, people still want to vote for him because they would rather listen to the conclusions of someone else than get the data and make their own minds up.


He really IS a reprehensible little toad isn’t he? SUCH a ‘Christian’. Tell me again why people are leaving the Church, Mike?


Yeah, well Huckabee’s like a hog carrier overturned on the highway surrounded by dozens of squeeling pigs.


Hey, that’s not accurate! Huckabee’s big in GOP circles. I believe he came in at number 89 out of 97 candidates in the Republican primaries.


Are you giving me a hard time, darcy? :wink:

I knew they’d divorced - google told me when…

Nooo, always loved the chatty atmosphere of good gossip. And your ‘of the cliff’ was excellent.

ETA: trying to be nice.

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Another tortured analogy from the Huckster, he is saying Trump IS a car wreck, while Hillary only has the capacity to be one.

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Jill stein wAs bOrn in ChicaGo, whiCh iS righT out of Saul Alinsky,s playbooK.

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Per the NYT, Hillary is the hawk on Russia.


Stephen Frand Cohen (born November 25, 1938) is an American scholar and professor emeritus of Russian studies at Princeton University and New York University.1[3] His academic work concentrates on modern Russian history since the Bolshevik Revolution and the country’s relationship with the United States.

I think the headline gives Trump too much credit for thinking anything through, but Stein’s thesis is given some support here.

There is a God and she wants to see Hillary win… :smile:

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Mike, Trump is waaay more than a car wreck He’s a clear and present danger to our country and its democracy. I can’t say it any plainer.


Well DUH!
If Trump is elected Susan Sarandon will just go live in her villa in southern France for 4 years, all the while patting herself on the back for “standing up for her principles”.
Meanwhile, the rest of us will be living in a hell-hole of Fascist Brown Shirts and retroactive tax-breaks for Billionaires and the suspension of ALL environmental laws. Every day we will watch the New Pravda expound on the latest Show-Trial for one of those “Evil Democrats” who spoke unkindly about our Dear Leader while the Russians continue their advance through Eastern Europe and Dear Leader Trump opens ANOTHER new Gold-Plated Trump Hotel somewhere fancy while basking in the tongue-bath he is daily given by his adoring sycophants in Congress. Abortion will become a Death-Sentence Crime, prescription drug costs will skyrocket along with the Private Prison population, the ACA will be repealed and 40 million people will be kicked off their plans because of “Pre-existing conditions” like, being Black, or Female. The marching morons in the House will propose making Trump KING and his idiot sons Princes as all elections are suspended in a never-ending Martial Law while lyncings become common-place in Trumps America. All borders will be closed, not to keep people from coming in, but to keep them from LEAVING. The Military will be “purged” of non-believers and “loyalty tests” will become the norm as Generals will be tried and executed for refusing to Nuke civilian populations in countries that “offended” Dear Leader.
It will be 1933 Germany, with Nuclear Weapons.
But Susan will be happy with herself…