Discussion: Supreme Court To Review Partisan Redistricting

Have your vomit bags handy for this.


I do believe I’ve read somewhere Kennedy is not a fan of politicians picking their constituents. This may be a good thing for small d democrats, consequently, for all of us.


Computer Aided Districts are here to stay. Regardless of how this turns out, the GOP will use attitudinal, neighborhood characteristics, etc. to effectively accomplish the same thing.

The best result of this is if they just say politicians can no longer draw districts and a third non partisan party using rules has to do it. No idea how likely such a outcome would be, but that would be the fix for these issues.


Worked beautifully in California, and now AZ is going to have a bipartisan independent redistricting commission I believe.


Fighting this in the courts should be Democrats #1 priority. If we are going to have a chance of progress we need to be winning with 50%, not hoping for 55%+ in each election just to break even. I hope the justices can see past their politics and right this obvious injustice. I only wish we had an Obama recess appointment on the court instead of Gorsuch. If that one swing vote makes the difference it will illustrate how Democrats will lose when they refuse to fight with every tool in their possession.


former Attorney General Eric Holder will chair a new umbrella group focused on redistricting reform — with the aim of taking on the gerrymandering that’s left the party behind in statehouses and made winning a House majority far more difficult.

National Democratic Redistricting Committee, was developed in close consultation with the White House. President Barack Obama himself has now identified the group — which will coordinate campaign strategy, direct fundraising, organize ballot initiatives and put together legal challenges to state redistricting maps — as the main focus of his political activity once he leaves office.


Oh boy….should be fun. Gorsuch will get a chance to earn his keep.


Redistricting can be done via computer algorithms using simply Census data and requiring all districts having minimized borders. Very simple to do, and completely fair because it ignores party preferences. Each district is regular in size and shape (with some geographical accomodation).


I’d love to see trump and his administration go down so hard that Gorsuch gets removed on some kind of technicality like - illegitimate POTUS nomination removed and Garland gets his hearing.


Wouldn’t that be nice . . .

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A girl can dream. :smirk:


No less crazy than anything else these days. :slight_smile:

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Right there with ya. I fantasize that the whole election will be exposed as completely illegitimate and ALL of them will be ousted.

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This is often proposed and it’s a terrible idea, IMO. The only defensible reason for having districts is to ensure representation for geographic interest groups. Districts that split communities and districts that make less populated areas into chattel of nearby urban areas are not fair in any human sense of the term. The reason for a (human) bipartisan districting commission is to remove partisanship without removing fairness. Imposing a computer-driven regime that residents clearly see as unfair and disempowering is neither a viable solution, nor a good one.

I predict a 5-4 ruling stating Simply…


Not exactly a new precedent.


Lets leave the size of anyone’s “d” out of this.

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Sorry I brought it up.

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What worries me is that they chose this case to bring it up. They could have let the decision stand if they’d wanted to. On the other hand, they could have reversed the NC findings entirely, so go figure.

But it’s pretty clear that you don’t have equal protection under the law when redistricting allows a party getting a minority of votes to get a nearly two thirds majority of seats. You might as well not count a third of the votes of the party not doing the redistricting.