Discussion: Supreme Court Could Take Up High-Stakes Fight Over Electoral Maps

The Texas map has been through the courts too and the 5th Circuit, which is a long way from liberal, has upheld the district court which has held parts of it to be discriminatory in intent.

The Texas case is going to be big because if our map gets redrawn, Texas stands a good chance of going blue. We really might be able to outvote the surburbs and the rural population.


For a second I thought the headline was about certain vewy vewy popular electoral victory maps.

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Four of the assailed who thought a Florida vote recount violated equal protection, because each county set its own methods, are still on the court.

If this goes to the SC, we will find out what they were interested in protecting.

Edit: freaking autocorrect. Should be four of the assholes, not assailed.


I had no idea. Let’s hope it does go then and we do find out.

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This is not really on topic but has anyone heard from that degenerate swine Alito about foreign money not being a concern in US elections? I want to hear the MOTHERF**KER say something intellectual about it now … witty is too much to ask from a knuckle dragger. I hope Alito’s death by Cancer is long and unpleasant.

As one from Cumberland County PA, I would like to see my vote count.
Many of us are stuck with Gerrymandered Jerks like Scott Perry and Lou Barletta.


I, too, find ‘Justice’ Alito’s jurisprudence odious. But wishing him, as a person, such a death doesn’t serve to advance your political view.

Let’s try to be more civil in our political discourse. Stick to the facts, which are damning enough.


It will eventually destroy the country, turning it into a collection of political hypocrites who only give lip service to principles that are never realized in actuality.

This. If they’re willing (ostensibly) to get deep into the details of how each citizen’s vote is counted, there’s not a lot of justification in going sanctimonious hands off on whether those votes count at all.

And FWIW, thanks to the big data folks, there are now a bunch of fairly solid, principled statistical measures of how badly gerrymandered a district map is, e.g. the most likely differences between percentage of votes and percentage of representatives.


didnt SCOTUS rule in 43’s term that districts were gerrymandered? if memory serves justices decided not to do anything about it.

Republicans argue they are successful because they run better candidates in a state that is trending Republican. They also say they have a natural edge in redistricting, since Democrats tend to cluster in cities and suburbs, creating districts that overwhelmingly vote Democratic.

In other myths, Rethugliklans are always looking out for “the little guy.” You know, like Turmeric the Terrible, who, as he’s said so often, is “one of us.” Pfft.

Rachel Maddow did a wonderful segment a couple of years ago that showed Democrats consistently receiving the most votes yet still end up grossly underrepresented in statehouses throughout the country.

Wish I could find the segment, but alas.

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