People in non-Medicaid expansion states like to give their poor people freedom - the freedom to get sick and die.
There is no justification for not expanding Medicaid. It should be done not only on humanitarian grounds, but also financial grounds.
Never coulda seen this coming…
It’s like if you connect the dots, there’s some kind of correlation between the two.
The same could be said for eliminating the death penalty and promoting comprehensive sex education and making birth control widely available to anyone.
Actually, dozens of other things would likely make financial sense, but the modern Republican Party isn’t too crazy about fiscal responsibility.
It’s socalistics medcin! I don’t want no gubmit interferein’ in my healthcare! (((couch hack))) Them damn scientist always inventin’ new diseases fer us ta catch, and spraying us with them there chemtrails! Ma teeth hurtin’ something fierce and it’s all ‘cause those big towers beaming their signals inta ma head! Same goes for the lump on ma leg. I heared it was Obama’s and Hillary’s fault–they is storin’ all those lost emails in ma head! It’s gobmit interfering with my water and makin’ me drink them toxic chemicals to brain wash us all! Now go away, I go things to do! I gots to go buy mself a case of Jack and five cartons of smokes!
Almost seems Onionesque—people who can access health care are–healthier!
Undoubtedly a surprise to the homeopathy believers of the Green Party.