This monster should be locked up for the rest of his days.
Completely agree.
Just received a mailer alerting of a sexual predator moving into the neighborhood. Guess I should take a look and make sure it’s not Stringer.
Or the president
WTF?! Really, just wtf?
And this is a kind of guy who got elected. By voters. People. Humans.
And some probably still support him.
Probably his next career should involve working in a remote place–Antarctica, say, or the moon. Just not sure “not being disgusting” is a realistic goal for him, rehabilitationwise.
But that child rapey-thing was 35 years ago… Surprised the Republicans haven’t nominated him for the Supreme Court or something…
But does he like beer?
It’s still early in the year, Traitor Turtle has to figure out how he can do it without putting out a contract on RBG. Actually, considering Traitor Turtle’s willingness to destroy American democracy, I doubt he would have a problem with certain “extralegal” maneuvers to get what he wants.
I’d love to have his phone and computer seized. I bet this piece of shit would end up in prison, where he belongs.
Many, probably. Unfortunately.
He’s done his part with probable cause, I mean, no problem there.
Funny I was able to tell he was a Republican before even seeing the “R” after his name or even reading his party affiliation mentioned. I guess it was that intoxicating aroma of Aqua Velva, Jergens lotion, and illegal online porn…
What a swell guy! Kinda like “Mr. Rogers”, if “Mr. Rogers” carried Skittles and roofies in his pants pockets.
A racist AND a child molester. IOW, Republican presidential timber.
Where in the hell do these animals (apologies to actual animals) come from and how do we keep electing them. Something ain’t right.
Wonder if he is partnered up with Trent Franks in some form of Pulp Fiction-like psycho-sexual uber-criminal insanity.
Looks like Trump has his new HHS director all lined up and ready to go for Mitch’s approval!
Too short-term. A Federal judgeship has a more lasting effect. He’d probably get off on the robes, too.
And he never even set foot in Comet Ping Pong!