Discussion: Stormy Daniels' Lawyer Tells TPM: We Both Fear For Our 'Physical Safety'

I would really like someone to ask how Stormy got this lawyer.

Trump put his own name on the lawsuit! That’s some nice chest thumping. In reality he should just bend over because stormy’s coming for him and she’s aiming for his tight little orifice


Melania is not gonna be all happiness and light this evening.


When legal beagles partake in the comments it’s always insightful and appreciated. Better than any analysis you can find elsewhere.


I have been looking to see where I saw that removal by the way. Can’t find it. I will look further, was going to post the links.

I’m not a lawyer, but as I’m writing this, I’m hearing that Trump is trying to get this case into a federal court.
Back in the 1980’s, we had a female employee try to bring a sexual harassment case into federal court.
That judge nearly had a stroke. She said, “Get this out of my court”. The plaintiff settled for pennies on the dollar.

Roughly 50/50?

EDIT: Besides the god and ware sellers , there’s the 5 or 6 already mentioned duplicate channels, plus Infowars and an RT news channel as well as some I’m simply not interested in. I already deleted most of them and have roughly 30 left.

And now this

Trump lawyers seek $20m in damages from porn star Stormy Daniels
Lawyers for US President Donald Trump are seeking $20 million (£14m) in damages from a porn actress he says broke a non-disclosure deal signed before the 2016 elections.

They argue Stormy Daniels breached the agreement at least 20 times.

The actress claims she had an affair with Mr Trump that began in 2006 and lasted several months.

The president’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, has said he paid her $130,000 of his own money to remain silent.

This is the first time President Trump has become directly involved in the case. He “vehemently denies” the alleged affair.



New Trump motto: Bullies R Us.

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Did the plaintiff properly plead under federal anti-discrimination law? If so, there would be arising-under jurisdiction. (When there is congruent state law, the plaintiff is entitled to elect the forum.) What grounds did the judge find, to dismiss?

Ah. I may have missed the significance of “into.” Did the plaintiff originally file in state court, and then change her mind and seek to remove her own case to federal court? If so, she could be bound by her original choice of venue.

Another headline says The Dumpster’s lawyers say they can sue for $20Million. If I was Daniel’s lawyer I’d say bring it on. Once a suit is filed then disclosure begins and boy do I see everything about these slimes coming out into the light of day. Bet she would be the one ultimately getting the $20Million.


[quote=“stoy, post:112, topic:69687”]
By personally inserting himself, Trump is rendering himself liable to discovery in federal court if the case is removed, but he loses his immediate motion to dismiss the case on the grounds that it belongs only in arbitration.
[/quote] (my emphasis)

Not a lawyer, but the supposed reason that Cohen is trying for federal court is the greater acceptance of arbitration of federal court than state court. So Trump/Cohen are screwing themselves (no pun intended) out of arbitration by going to the feds?

The fact that this filing is now out in the open (“DONALD J. TRUMP a.k.a. DAVID DENNISON”) is a bombshell. Any way you look at it, it is now an admitted cover-up by Trump, subject to legal ramifications due to undisclosed campaign contributions.


You are right, he’s never going to get the respect of New Yorkers. But, I am so sick of depictions of naked Donald Trump and I don’t really think they are that demeaning. I think they show how people hate fat people and how many homophobes are out there.

I personally prefer the depictions of him as a whinny toddler or puppet. Those seem to really get under his skin as well.

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Unreasonable to act in the interest of the client? I assumed that the fiduciary duty to clients applied before Obama changed that. We had a financial advisor who bragged about all the trips she won at work. And we subsequently realized we were contributing to her vacations and left the firm.

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For any young person with the family name of “Dennison” and born after 2006, I would ask…

Stormy is more articulate, hard working, and nobody’s fool. I love how she’s running rings around the Dotard and his lawyers.

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The issue here isn’t what he did or didn’t do (or have done to him) by Ms. Daniels, in and of itself. If she can drive Trump this nuts by outing a sexual encounter that is likely no more than somewhere between boring and straight and something with some whips, chains, and boots, what do you think Putin is going to do. I don’t mean the piss tapes. I mean all the stuff he has on the Trump empire and his kids. The orange Cheeto can’t handle it when he’s the one being blackmailed.

I would normally think that she and her lawyer were a bit paranoid. But given the number of Russian emigres in Britain who, having been found naughty in the eyes of the Kremlin, have met their end in ways that would do a .007 flick proud, I’d be careful of fans offering her free perfume atomizers.

My thoughts on her too. She seems quite comfortable with her truth. Too bad people who don’t have any relationship with the truth chose to disparage her and her attorney and make threats. They’re awful people just like the president.

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