“Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), the chair the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs”
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), the dumbest man in the building at any given moment…
“Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), the chair the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs”
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), the dumbest man in the building at any given moment…
That’s not as fringy as the author suggests. Probably closer to mainstream than fringe right.
I tend to agree. This shit has been 100% normalized. It’s SOP at this point.
This is so stupid. I remember my sister-in-law breathlessly and intensely telling me this same thing- in the 90s about Bill Clinton. Asinine. They clearly have not the faintest clue about how the process works and how far behind CIS always is. It’s the cray cray coming out again and again.
Using carts? Wouldn’t Taco Trucks be more efficient?
P.S. Remember Chuck from when he ran martial art schools and did demos at High School Assemblies.
I’m really glad the rightwingers continually and specifically remind us of that they are deeply patriotic, otherwise I would look at the other things they say and draw the conclusion that they are contemptuous of American democracy.
God I wish this was true! Obama flipping Texas - that would be a dream come true.
Why don’t you ask Canadian citizen Ted Cruz?
And, just to point out, Shin Inouye doesn’t sound exactly 'Murcan to me.
…in any building, at any moment.
Odd because a couple of weeks ago the big conspiracy was that Obama was going to declare Marshall Law because Hillary is at Death’s Door, suspend the election and stay in office for another 4 years.
So the new plan is to allow the election but steal it for Hillary?
Hmm. Ingenious.
The great thing about Republicans is that you can always get a team together when you want to play a few games of Batshit.
From bloggers to movie stars [snigger] to US Senators – no Republican thinks they are too important or too busy to play.
The lifeblood of the Republican party.
To put a serious note on this, I’m somewhat surprised that they still want to become Americans given the hatred towards them that has been unleashed by HO. They are very brave souls for still believing in our democracy in the face of this election. We probably owe them a debt of gratitude.
If Trump and the Republican party wasn’t so rabidly anti-immigrant, this wouldn’t scare them at all.
I just assumed Obama was busy using the CIA to plant false birth announcements and birth certificates for the next African who wants to become president. I heard it was a birth somewhere in Alaska.
It was somewhat surprising to me when we were in Barcelona last April and met a young man who told us immediately that Americans needed to understand that if we don’t see the American Dream as a thing anymore, the rest of the world still does. He told us, and I know it’s true in most of Europe, that upward mobility was damn near impossible in Spain.
Government employees trying to do their jobs effectively and efficiently? Gee that sure does sound like a nefarious and dastardly plot. I guess they’re supposed to be like Republican legislators and do absolutely nothing of value to earn their pay.
FWIW, the green card renewal process (which normally takes six months) has been pushed back to about nine months because USCIS is all-hands-on-deck to deal with the spike in naturalization applications.
The fundamental canard here is the belief among deplorable-Americans that all non-citizen residents are of dubious status, even as they spout on about “coming legally”. Ron Johnson (R-Dumbos) is tapping into this.