Discussion: Stop Worrying! Obama Has A Scheme To Throw The Election To The Dems


That’s all good and well, but when is Obama going to get around to confiscating our guns?


It must be exhausting to be a wingnut senator–everywhere you look you see conspiracies.


Earlier this month, the martial arts entertainer and conservative activist Chuck Norris warned in an WND column that Obama was “casting a wide net of amnesty and carting illegals into every American community with virtually no regard for safety in doing so.”

Hmm, Chuck, I thought that nets were for catching things, not for letting things go. One too many kung fu kicks to the head, perhaps?


Should get even more traction than the Jade Helm conspiracy.


First the GOP is up in arms about how long it is taking to reduce the back log on immigration, Now they are complaining they are doing it to fast so they can comply with the deadline requirements.


Haven’t you heard? He’s coming for them on November 8!!! For the love of god, stay home and protect your guns!!!


Ok that’s just stupid.

If Donny wins imagine the backlash he is going to face once his supporters realize they elected him against their own self interests. He will OWN every bad decision he makes and it will be quite an awakening when he realizes blaming others won’t be as easy to do as president. As satisfying as that is it is equally as horrifying to know that we will all suffer under his governance.


…and furthermore, the Republican Rightie WooWoos and TeaPotty Wingnuts have discovered, thanks to FOX and Alex Jones, that …


How stupid are these people? They nominated a small handed vulgarian who’s threatening to deport all the brown people then are surprised in a massive increase in citizenship applications. Really? They don’t understand why more people would be trying to get citizenship while Obama is still president? The NYTs wrote a piece about it. My girlfriend works in an immigration law office here in Florida and she says Trump is giving them so many more clients.


I was sure glad when Bruce Lee killed Chuck Norris. Where is Bruce when we need him?

"But he does have one thing in mind for certain," [Chuck] Norris wrote, "creating new voters in every state to ensure a 2016 win for the Democratic Party presidential nominee."

“But he does have one thing in mind for certain,” Norris wrote, “creating new voters in every state to ensure a 2016 win for the Democratic Democrat Party presidential nominee.”

Stick to the script.




I made the grim mistake of venturing into the commenting section of a Breitbart article the other day. Those people are absolutely convinced that not only is Hillary going to win, but it’ll be a completely rigged election. Somehow George Soros is involved, and it’ll be obvious that the election was rigged because Trump has bigger rallies than Hillary and therefore couldn’t possibly lose in a fair election.


Ron Johnston (R-morons) is going to lose and lose BIG to Russ Feingold and he knows it so he is laying the groundwork to blame “illegals!!!” for it in the best racist fashion and burnish his “anti-Other” credentials in the hopes of landing a job with “Americans for Prosperity” or some other Koch Bros. operatives.


The New York Times, that standard bearer of the liberal media? They don’t read such fact-based liberal stuff. Now that Chuck Norris and WND have exposed the “truth,” it’s time to expose the evil scheme. And not only will these unworthies (who, of course, are worthy in reality) get to vote, they’ll get Obamacare and food stamps and will take their jobs. can’t let any of that happen. Send them back, every one (white Europeans and certain immigrants with lots of money or those liable to register republican excepted).


Immigrants becoming citizens…then allowing them to fulfill their right to vote. What an absolute scandal! Heads must roll. Next thing you know, we’ll let them do jury duty. Where will it stop?? When they, gasp, run for public office?


Unlike the actual voter suppression laws passed or attempted in many GOP states designed to deny actual citizens the franchise. After all, that’s just about “those people,” so nothing to see there…


The one time I hope they’re right.

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Oh my God! Naturalized citizens voting in American elections! It’s unprecedented! Unumurikin! Dirty filthy subhuman ferriners from fern countries lawfully going through the naturalization process exploiting loopholes because they want to be Americans! We just can’t have this! Where would our great nation be if this sort of thing had occurred before Obama snuck in off a boat and began imitating a real umerikin citizen?