Discussion: Stone: My Contact With Guccifer 2.0 Detailed In Mueller Indictment Was ‘Benign’

Tell it to the jury, Stone.

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A somewhat related twitter question about the reporter refered to as receiving BLM materials is asked about on Twitter - and later shares the answer found by Empty Wheel on Twitter.


How many rats can a ratfucker fuck, if a ratfucker would fuck rats?


Better yet: Maybe they can be across from each other.

So close, yet so far.


Did he say “benign” or “be fine”?

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Okay, I talked to them. But only because I’m a friendly person.


“As I testified before the House intelligence committee under oath, my 24-word exchange with someone on Twitter claiming to be Guccifer 2.0 is benign based on its content, context, and timing,” Stone said in a statement to the Daily Beast

When did it become malignant?

And when did you stop beating your wife?


“As I testified before the House intelligence committee under oath, my 24-word exchange with someone on Twitter claiming to be Guccifer 2.0 is benign based on its content, context, and timing,” Stone said in a statement to the Daily Beast. “This exchange is entirely public and provides no evidence of collaboration or collusion with Guccifer 2.0 or anyone else in the alleged hacking of the DNC emails, as well as taking place many weeks after the events described in today’s indictment.”

Yeah, good luck with that you nasty rat.

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Not to nitpick or pettifog …but I think it’s “How many rats would a ratfucker fuck, if a ratfucker could fuck rats.” At least that’s how I learned it in Kindergarten.


The indictment notes that “Guccifer 2.0” interacted with an individual “who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump” in August 2016, offering assistance.

Not that I believe Stoney, but what if this individual was some other than Stoney? Would anyone like to take a guess?

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Yep. There ain’t been anything benign about Roger Stone since he was conceived.


Is that really the best you got, Stone?? ‘Benign’ like a cancer growing in the White House? Sorry dude, that’s what we Earthlings call a malignancy. Maybe you should check your Nixon tattoo at the door. Oh, that’s right, we know Dead Nixon still has your back when it comes to your shameless lack of ethics.


Yes, but they were anti-Castro “Freedom Fighters”. Not agents serving a foreign power hostile to the US.

And Cuba is part of the Americas - i.e., it was still resting on the American continental shelf last time I checked.

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That was some kindergarten.


The perfect personification of that thing your dermatologist freezed off. Is it benign or not? Heck, dunno, but lets get rid of it anyway.


Er … you’re telling @arawak that?

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Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Unlike those others.

Open mouth and remove all doubt?

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“Funny” as in “hey Doc! My pee is a funny shade of red and boy, does it hurt when I whiz!”