Discussion for article #234708
“At some point it was mentioned that sea level rise was to be referred to as 'nuisance flooding,”
I prefer the term “embarrassing wetness in the lower regions”.
Simply an “extravagance of humidity”.
I prefer the term “unscientific hypothesis not supported by data but supported by statists”.
Unfortunately, as inane as Florida’s governor is (or “insane”), this has been a very real policy. State employees have been under a gag-order for 5 years, and unable to mention “Climate-change” or even “Sea Level Rise”. Rick Scott has used his appointments at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, together with these policies, to conduct a quasi-Stalinist purge of scientists throughout the agency, statewide. Some of these people who either quit, or lost their jobs, have been recognized internationally for their research on salt-water intrusion as a result of sea levels rising, which is…wait for it…as a result of climate change. Just look at the pre-election meeting which Scott was forced to attend with climate scientists to discuss the issue (“forced” as the denial had become a minor political liability), and the response after which was “I’m not a scientist”…while never mentioning “climate change” himself.
It’s time for the real grown-ups who care about future generations to stand up and take charge and power away from the Duke Energies, Koch Industries, and other corporations who are killing the planet (and it all starts with repealing Citizens United, which is another story altogether). Maybe the change will come when companies start exporting their jobs OUT of Florida, as the real cost of climate change and harsh weather patterns takes its toll.
The earth “peed its’ pants.”
Orwell wept.
What’s really out of whack is that a half a billion’s worth of alfalfa is shipped to China. So during a drought caused or exacerbated by AWG we’re using fossil fuels to ship the fruits of our dwindling resources half way around the world to supply China’s growing demand for dairy products, which in turn will use more fossil fuels and further exacerbate AWG.
When’s it gonna stop.
You are a lying. Take your lies elsewhere, no one of integrity believes you here.