Discussion: Steve King's Debate Watching Guide: Is Clinton 'On Her Meds Or Off Her Meds'?

Poor Steve, he’s a sorry example of sensible politicians.

The more pertinent questions are “Is Steve King an idiot?” or "Is Steve King an idiot?"


Can’t we find a cliff to throw this asshole off of?


Poor Iowa. They don’t realize how dumb King makes them look. Even worse—perhaps they are too dumb to know this!


Honestly, this headline could have been both more accurate and avoided repeating King’s baseless accusation if it had just been titled:

Steve King Is An Asshole, Has Debate 'Question’


It’s like Steve King and Pete King are in an ongoing contest to see who can be the worst Republican named King.

Unfortunately, we all lose.

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Steve King’s Debate Watching Guide: Is Clinton ‘On Her Meds Or Off Her Meds’?

Asks the man who had been off his meds for twenty years.


Just one look at his eyes in photo makes it very clear that Rep. Steve King (R - Iowa) is off his medications, but it may be that contrary to professional advice he has never go on the recommended medications.

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Great minds think alike imkmu3

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Is Steve King an idiot, a blithering idiot, or is Steve King a moron?

  • FIFY

As opposed to the Trump guide: off his meds or off his meds?

All of the above. . .and then some.


Better question: Is Steve King on his rocker or off his rocker?

Oh, Steve King off his meds? I know what you mean, those psychotropic meds for managing insanity - obviously didn’t work in his case. But, appears to me he’s just shot up a load of coke, from looking into his eyes (and seeing only emptiness and confusion). I can only conclude he’s committed to remaining insane - his homeostatic norm, without his psychiatrist’s prescribed meds, and / or with his own self-prescribed meds.

He always looks that way.

That was the day that I realized that John Boehner wasn’t completely irredeemable as a human being – when he called Steve King an asshole.


Beat me to it.

Honestly, times have changed, and no doubt Steve King is not up on the times, especially about things that are difficult to understand, like women, medication compliance, or Algebra. Maybe there are some pamphlets Hillary could send him to help him understand…


I ‘know’ this is just politics as ‘usual’ but what kind of sexist, scum sucking bottomfeeders ARE these moron? They have NOTHING so they just throw crap out into the ether?

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