Should have left this particular Diamond in the rough, right next to many of Trump’s drives.
Dang! I thought for sure we’d woo Diamond to our side. I guess King showed us!
Seriously, I remember back when we had REAL racists in this country, who supported institutional racism against minorities; not confrontational racism to stick it to liberals. Modern racists are just contrarians who devote their lives to arguing that they’re not racist because racism is rational and therefore a good thing.
They honestly think that by designating certain minorities as the “good” ones, it proves they’re not racist because they’re willing to let non-white people prove they’re as worthy as white people. But it’s all just to troll liberals, not promote racism. So sad.
I think he meant to say “token toss,” not coin toss.
Turkeys In Favor of Thanksgiving?
Unapologetic racist takes apologist for racists as date to hear unapologetic racist attempt to read from teleprompter.
Aunt Jemima has no trouble being a prop of the most vocal racist in Congress, being the “black best friend” of racists is what she makes a living from, she needs to eat, and a lot.
Col. Sanders, the king of fried chicken couldn’t make it?
“I wanted to show I had a House Negro at my disposal”, King explained to friends why he invited Diamond to the SOTU.
Why so high? But I guess Franklin from Django Unchained was unavailable, so poor Steve got stuck with one of the two biggest avatars of self-hatred. Whatever money they’re making now, I hope they save every penny because once PP is gone they will be too.
Self hate is evident here.
All of us have seen similar instances.
The magnitude in this case makes it ususual
Good choice by King. Neither Diamond or Silk is Mexican…
Steve King Will Bring Diamond Of Diamond & Silk To SOTU
Birds–Just gotta fly.
Fish–Just gotta swim.
Grifters–Just gotta grift.
The SOTU has been getting rotten over time and that rot is accelerating. Thanks, Ronald Ray Gun!
Diamond and Silk are the black best friends that all racist claim to have.
More like Coal and Burlap. They’re suitable for a remake of Spike Lee’s Bamboozled.
I don’t know about that…
“Many people” say they are.