Discussion for article #225733
King doesn’t say where he’s getting his numbers. Maybe he’s channeling Joe McCarthy.
Gee Steve: Who wants to rape someone with cantaloupe calves?
What a truly classy guy.
And yet his constituents apparently think like he does cuz he keeps getting re-elected.
The Republicans are no longer credible on anything. The GOP is dying, dying, dying.
Hating on the Mexicans won’t win you votes with Hispanics, dumbass.
Citizens of Iowa, your capacity to deal with the embarrassment of this level of political leadership is apparently infinite!
If only Barstool Palin had been trying to cross the border. Then her parents would have done the responsible thing and given her the pill.
I’m thinking his district is very safe (majority white Republicans) hence the racist comments he makes time and time again.
or Charlie McCarthy.
By claiming that a high proportion of these children are sexually abused, hasn’t Congressman King just made the case that they are legitimate refugees and have a valid claim to remain in the US?
King is so offensive. What a hateful way of thinking. I’m embarrassed to live in the same country as he.
I have to stop in Iowa and look at Kings district. Must be the dumbest House district in America.
Logic is not a forte of the baggergeoisie
He is a hateful man. Best reason in the world to donate to his DEM opponent Mowrer.
racist comments, misogynistic comments, ignorant comments, offensive comments, outright stupid comments. . . . leaving me with no faith in the American electorate.
King is truly odious.
Steve King is the most vile piece of shit in this country, and I say that knowing that Rush Limbaugh is still alive.
Is it possible for a human being to have a negative IQ?
Unlike Cuomo who let King off the hook with little to no push back on his insane claims, that he apparently pulled out of his ass, Lawrence O’Donnell would have ripped King a new ass.
Keep digging, Republican. What an imbecile.