Discussion: State Rep. Wants Tenn. Constitution To Say That 'Our Liberties' Come From God

Just out of curiosity, does G… ever pick up the check at these kaffeeklatches? I’m wondering because I’ve read the old testament, and he seems like kind of an a…hole.


Jesus said unto them: “Who do you say that I am?” And they replied, “You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being, the kerygma in which we find the ultimate meaning of our interpersonal relationships.” And Jesus said, “What?”


State Senator Jamin Raskin (Md.) once said to a colleague on the other side of the aisle (paraphrasing), “When you took your oath, you swore on the Bible to uphold the Constitution. You didn’t swear on the Constitution to uphold the Bible.”


The ignorance is mighty powerful in that state.


Another day, another confused dipshit rightwing nutjob.

Why don’t they assholes join the priesthood or clergy and stay the fuck out of politics?
Don’t answer that. It was rhetorical.


If the state constitution is amended to say that “our liberties come from God” doesn’t that mean that the government is the one making that declaration? If they truly come from God then it doesn’t matter what the government says, right? If that were to get added and then in a few years they vote to take that clause away and it made Rep. VanHuss’s head explode, would we blame God or the government?


Except they are not. Freedom of Speech and Religion would violate a commandment.


Is this the same God that sat mute in the bleachers during Kristallnacht? Just wondering.


No, dummie!! Our EQUALITY comes from God, according to the Declaration of Independence, but our freedoms come from US, the laws WE make.
Just because you lazy louts in the South want to shirk all responsibility for maintaining God-given equality and our legally constituted freedoms doesn’t make you right about it. You are lazy good-for-nothings who don’t want to figure out how to govern equitably and fairly.


I’ve heard Him called worse - even ‘G…dam dick’ - tho, that could have been maybe ‘g…d Dick’, since He gets mistook a lot by others, especially for themselves (Also, a disturbingly high percent of them are D(d)icks or one of those plus the other.),

So, sure, I’d say your sources are accurate: He’s a bit of a bad bastard (No one knows wherefrom He came, or anything on His people; lots claim to know His son. but none of them are the sort anyone reasonable not even a judge would likely call ‘credible’, just something folks say because they think it makes people like them, and some act like it but I doubt they mean it.), BUT, in all fairness, He’s got no employer we know of, and He’s way too proud to apply for food stamps or what all. I mentioned it’s not like He’s in the same position as say a George Costanza or those types who shoot up schools and theaters, “borrowing” from indulgent parents. So, maybe the check thing is compensation, but yeah, none of us are really interested in going after Him on this.

And it’s not like He costs all that much. It’s always only high test or straight espresso with That One…

And then they should immediately lose all Federal funding.


No, not at all. See Tenn. wants to make GOD the national worship figure and Sharia want ALLAH! Two VERY different entities. (Ok, I know they are not. And I know that what they want to do is EXACTLY what those espousing Sharia law want. But ssshhhh…this is kinda fun to watch.) Anyway two TOTALLY different things. See how that works?

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“We recognize that our liberties do not come from governments, but from Almighty God, our Creator and Savior.”

Yeah, let’s get government in there to make sure religion is well-regulated.

I’m sticking with the Flying Spaghetti Monster

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He’s not a flaming moron, he’s just from Tennessee and…well, I guess you’re right.

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It looks a lot like northern Utah to this ex-Utahn. It certainly isn’t Tennessee.

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I don’t give a crap what ones fantasies may be but since we all do not share those ‘ideas’ keep them out of our laws and off of our currencies.

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“We recognize that our liberties do not come from governments, but from Almighty God, our Creator and Savior.”

That is awesome.

Now, I could argue that “liberties” aren’t really liberties unless someone is ensuring them under threat of force or penalty, and that god seems to have been leaving that task to our governments.

I also could argue that the 10 commandments would never be mistaken for a Bill of Rights, nor the bible for a Constitution.

However, I’d rather take advantage of the opportunity Rep. VanHuss is offering to atheists and dine at the all-the-liberties-you-can-eat buffet. I have no gods telling me what to eat, what to wear, how to treat women and children, what I should do every 7th day, how I should view believers of other gods, what I should ignore about the world around me, what books I can read, what gender I can marry, or what I owe to any gods for the privilege of being alive. More importantly, I look forward to the end of elected blasphemers stepping in to act as my god and creating unholy limits on my liberties.


I answer only to my Labrador Retrievers. Can they be the gods to which he refers? Is God from Labrador?

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On the up side, every hour they spend pursuing symbolic hoohah is an hour they can’t spend finding new was to fuck over the 99%.