Discussion: Spox Denies Trump Wants To Restructure Intel Community: '100 Percent False'

He would have to have a mind to make up. I think he operates entirely from the reptilian brain, whose functions are:

  1. Instinctive survival
  2. Attack or hide response
  3. Aggression
  4. Anger display
  5. Fear
  6. Revenge
  7. Tribalism & territorial behavior
  8. Reproductive instinct

I am a big fan!

Obviously, the hair is the problem…

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It seems like you can boil all of Trump’s communication into an algorithm that is something like

10 Trump says something stupid and/or crazy
20 wait for public/press reaction
30 IF public/press bash it THEN spin like crazy that it is false, media unfair, just sarcasm, etc
40 GOTO 10

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This is SUCH BS. Trump wages a tweetstorm…his handlers rush to ‘assure’ the public that a) it wasn’t what he meant or b) there is no intention or c) complete and utter word salad. This is to keep everyone discombobulated so they can rape the country worse than pre 2008 and you won’t KNOW? I hate them and all their sanctimonious rhetoric of MAGA.

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Spicer needs a sitdown with his boss to get the stories straight.
This morning and yesterday trump was bloviating about restructuring the DNI office and apparently Spicer didn’t get the memo.


The Assange tweet, I think, has nailed this box shut for many…

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Please add a line that gets us out of this loop in less than 4 years.


Oh you are so “right.” Ideas and Republicans parted ways last century, what was I thinking and what were my teeny tiny little fingers thinking.

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