Discussion: Spokeswoman: Jimmy Carter Won't Be At Democratic Convention

This is what a good excuse looks like people. The man is

91 years old!!!

I think we can give President Carter a pass…this time.

So many people coughing all over each other. I wouldn’t want to be squeezed into an arena with even the healthiest looking schlubs personally.


At 91 years of age, I’ll be lucky if I make an appearance in the bathroom instead of peeing in my pants.

Seriously, though, Carter is doing his part. Carter, a wonderful man, a wise president, had the misfortune of presiding over the Iran hostage negotiations, something he could not get resolved, largely due to the interference of Republican Reagan operatives. Carter left office not exactly a hero in many voter’s minds.

He has gone on for 36 years, serving the people of the nation and the world in many ways few of us could have imagined. He and his wife are probably more liked now than when he was president.

Let the man have some peace and relaxation aside from national politics. Carter is more of a respected humanitarian than he ever was as a politician.