Discussion: Spicer: Trump Explained His Wiretapping Tweet By Citing Media Reports

It was just a typical DJT head fake to keep the media from writing and talking about Sessions lying under oath during his confirmation hearing…and it worked.

The media alreay reported that story - that Sessions lied. I’m sure when something else happens that has anything to do with it, they’ll report that too.

The only head fake Trump knows how to make is that fake hair on his head.

Otherwise, these people could not organize a successful 3 car funeral.

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They’re not even trying to hide it. Full-throttle grifting is the way of the future in the good ol’ USA.

Well, they are income, but if you’re not the son of SCROTUM, you hope the IRS doesn’t notice. If you are, you don’t worry, because MAGA

Because Trump/GOP chimera has a game plan, whereas most of the media reporters are all, “Squirrel!”

It’s been going on a loooong time. Remember the reality-based community Rove referred to? We’ve left that behind and are now free-floating in la-la land.



CNN.com is reporting Spicer as saying that dt did not say his “Phones were tapped.”
So, being the reality based scientist that I am I dove into dt’s tweeter account and there it was. OBAMA TAPPED MY PHONE!!!12!!!22!!!111!!!

“media reports” Yeah Infowars and Breitbart no doubt. Certainly not a reputable news source.


Life is good for white people.

According to Team Trump, “wire-tapping” can include a whole host of options, such as:

  • mind melds
  • Jedi mind tricks
  • eavesdropping on Donnie by using Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak

That was disgusting. But we need to remember that every public briefing or utterance from Trump and Co. is replete with minions in the audience that provide applause and/or adoration.

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Someone once asked, “Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?”

Ooh! Interesting thought…

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Pataki? What bog did he climb out of?

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think about it. who were three least worst of the republican deep bench 17?

i forgot.

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When will Kusher have enough rope to hang himself ? Isn’t he a part of the executive branch these days, de facto he is, de jure ?

the Ides of March ( March 15) coming up, just saying…

“Who farted ?”

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Angry Bird…

Donald: “What do you mean ? I just did that ! Easy !”

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