“We have ALWAYS been at war with Eastasia!”
Is Oceania not available? Why not Oceania?
Yeah, Hitler gathered people into concentration camps, invented his own special chemical weapon recipe and then stuck them in rooms where he used it on them.
Hitler’s famous fucking mustache is because he couldn’t get a good seal on his gas mask with a regular one.
But yeah, Assad is soooo much worse. Everyone should recognize Trump is the hero preventing another Holocaust.
Anyone got odds on whether Bibi keeps his mouth shut on this insanely offensive nonsense just to help out his fellow neo-fascist?
Since 1/20/17 I have awakened each day expecting stupidity from our formerly dignified executive branch of government. But this is “beyond the pale” so to speak. And I am quite sure Sean Spicer hasn’t the least understanding of the origin of that phrase.
Stupidity, thy name is republican.
I.gotta look, but i know i saw reports of Pacific GI’s using napalm or a similar agent to run the Japanese soldiers out of those bunkers.
He didn’t use them because he wrongly thought the Allies had developed nerve agents too and, like pretty much every World War I vet who’d had to endure them, including his generals, he understood through experience that using them conferred no strategic or tactical advantage if the other side has them too.
Wow. Just. WOW.
In one statement they not only fuck up their defense of their ham-handed military adventurism, but they piss on the graves of all the victims of the Holocaust at the same time!
Good Job Spice-Boy!
Spicer merely demonstrating the #1 prerequisite to being a Republican and Trump deplorable…complete and utter ignorance.
Trump says over and over how he loves the poorly educated…in other words, ignorance is really really good when you are a racist and a bigot.
Anyone got odds on whether this is Brokefact Fountain’s firing moment?
Heading for the bourbon bottle just to deal with reading the news is getting altogether too regular.
You don’t really expect anyone on the Trump team to know that, do you? Besides, he is playing to their base, who almost certainly doesn’t know that.
Except for maybe Bannon and his Nazi friends…
Also, what the hell is a “holocaust center”? Is some alt-right speak slipping into his speech? I can’t tell, but I’m curious.
Well, if a thing is worth doing . . .
The Trump Administration’s pursuit of perfection in its stupidity is relentless.
What a lovely Passover statement from the White House.
Sean Spicer, Trump “University” graduate.
The people the Holocaust left complain about.
Fuck no @sniffit. this is just normal operating procedure for these idjets. They do not see what the problem might be. here. in LaLa land
Don’t forget Greece. These people need to go back and take 10th-grade history. It’s just appalling that this came out of the mouth a a White House spokesman.
“Not as bad as Hitler” strikes me as the ultimate in damning with faint praise.
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