But as I was saying upthread, let the GOP think this is nothing. Let them think barely eking out a win in KS even though it was a 20% shift to the Democrats means nothing. Let them think this, and every other election up to the mid terms are in the bag.
Posted from iPhone?
Gawd, he’s getting dumber by the day.
YAY!!! Great news!!
Trump goes to Georgia…
Haha. It’s like saying I blocked all my opponents punches with my face.
And we are persisting!!
As always, dee Nile is not just a river in Egypt. Spin this all you want, Seanie, and that awful woman might just take the seat in June, but please admit that you’re just a wee bit scared. How’s that FBI investigation going??
“Not the hair…NOT THE HAIR!!!”
Republicans will pour a ton on money into that race after they clean the shit out of their pants.
Fine. It’s a “big loss.” Next stupid comment, please.
They just don’t get the “popular vote” thing. They persist in believing a Republican is the winner, no matter how far behind in actual votes, therefore the Democrat is the loser.
Well, let’s see. Since the clear stated goal was an immigration ban, and the clear stated goal was repeal and replace the ACA, just exactly how would Sean characterize those efforts? Maybe he talked about yuuuge losses but somehow we all missed that.
Spicer was also asked if Ossoff’s relative success in the race shows that Republicans need to pay attention to demographic changes in the South. The press secretary, who formerly ran communications for the Republican National Committee, replied that the GOP is in great shape.
Indeed it is!
Don’t worry, they’ll just take the hair off first.
Thinking about it, what Spicer said really is the textbook definition of “Spin”. Up is down, black is white, right is wrong and the Republicans were the big winner yesterday and the Democrats the big losers.
Does this mean Shammity gets two hours?
Its also what Republicans do when they can’t handle the truth…they just rewrite history and simultaneously insist all the books need to be changed to reflect their new unreality.
In Spicer World, a president who loses 20 points in the polls has really gained 15 points.
It’s going to stay like this until “President” Trump is impeached.
Hey, has Trump figured out which way the aircraft carriers are going yet?
I`m reading 1984 (again)…too many parallels.