Discussion: Spicer On Military Action In Iran: Trump 'Doesn't Take Options Off The Table'

I liked the #act like a president

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That photo immediately brings to mind …

Yes we’re gonna to have a wing ding
A summer smoker underground
It’s just a dugout that my dad built
In case the Reds decide to push the button down
We’ve got provisions and lots of beer
The key word is survival on the New Frontier.
— “New Frontier” by Donald Fagan

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Remember the quaint little “War Powers Act?” And how that anachronism called the “Constitution” said that only the Congress had the power to declare war?

Remember when everybody was at least supposed to obey the law?

Good times.


Q. Sean, is there anything President Trump would ever take off the table?

A. He takes things off the table all the time: Big Macs, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Naked Chicken Chalupas, Taco Bowls, Freedom fries, Cokes, the occasional napkin, a lot of things. He’s not monolithic in his thinking. He’s very deliberate, very considerate in his choices.


“He doesn’t take options off the table”
Yes, we know, but why is his TINY DICK laying out on the table for Iran to whack with a 2 by 4?

I know he thinks he is Big Man but this is just STUPID!

Putin must be laughing his ASS off right now about what a fucking MORON Trump is and at the same time gloating over the prospect of the USA in a shooting war with Iran and the resultant 500% increase in the price of Oil the Russians will get (and they will be a sole supplier to Europe with Iran closing the Straits of Hormuz.)

Just. Fucking. Insane.

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Another one nailed by Rogue POTUS Staff the previous day.


Yep. The Telegraph would not run without good sourcing. They still follow the old rules.

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Does anyone else have the sinking feeling the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists will be moving the Doomsday Clock another 30 seconds closer to midnight within the next couple of weeks?


Putin’s Plan:

  1. Get tiny-dick Trump elected President of the USA - Check
  2. Get tiny-dick Trump to rattle sabres at Iran - Check
  3. Get tiny-dick Trump to launch bombing raids upon Iran - Pending
  4. Watch as Iran closed the Strait of Hormuz and the price of Oil shoots up 500%
  5. PROFIT!!!
  6. Watch as Iranian (and Sunni) Terrorist Groups launch massive Terror attacks on US soil
  7. Watch as Trump declares Martial Law in response to Terror Attacks
  8. Compliment Trump on his 'Strength and Honor" in defending the US against “Terror” as the profits roll in from the EU price-gouging of Russian Oil supplies - PROFIT AGAIN!
  9. Watch as the US military is bled-dry in a unwinnable war against Iran and the rest of the Muslim world
  10. Roll into the Baltic States unopposed by the US while it is racked with war with Iran and internal strife.
  11. Roll into Eastern Europe unopposed by the US while it is torn apart by civil war due to Martial Law and terrorist attacks and the ongoing war with Islam.
  12. END GAME: Russia rules supreme as the only Super Power based on obscene Oil Profits due to the massive destruction in the Middle East as the US is reduced to civil war and destruction.

What goes around comes around and Putin is paying us back for Afghanistan in the 1980’s in spades.
As Darth Putin says: “All too easy…”


If Deferment Don does decide to go to war we do not have to worry about the draft.
All those of the proper age, who voted for the coward , will be lining up at the recruitment center to fight for the honor and glory of Trump.
All those parents and grandparents,who voted for Trump,will be escorting their children or grandchildren to the recruiting office.They will explain why they voted for Trump and and why it is important to sacrifice themselves for the glory of Trump.

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Hidden agenda…hallmark of the TrumPence regime.

OT Believe or Not, Ripley.


Are they Keynesians this week? It’s so hard to keep up.

Sure, why not go to war with a population of almost 80 million people. Because the last war against an Islamic country with less than a third of that number went so well . . .


…he doesn’t like to telegraph his options…

Telegraph? Too old fashioned, he prefers to tweet his idiotic opinions to the whole world. How I despise these people! And Grima “Wormtongue” Spicer is beginning to make me long for the soft, skillful lies of KellyAnne ConWoman.

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Yeah, except I think Grima Wormtongue is Bannon. Spicer doesnt tell Trump what to do, Bannon does. Spicer is a flunky and will get burnt out chewed up and spit out by his current job, for which he is about just as qualified as Donald Trump is to be President. Donald Trump doesnt like to say what he is going to do because he has no fucking idea what he is going to do and usually does not know what he is talking about, unless it is about the ratings of The Apprentice when HE was the star. Not Arnold, who actually has more government exprience than Donald.

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Melissa McCarthy does Sean Spicer better than Sean-o hizzself…