Hahaha…yes please…alienate your biggest demographic. Please proceed…
Picking a fight with AARP? Love that! Bet he comes back and recants/redirects.
-edit- or what @sniffit said ^
1.) Underpants!
2.) …
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Wednesday brushed off the AARP’s forceful opposition to the House GOP’s Obamacare replacement plan, dismissing the group that represents millions of seniors as a “special interest.”
Good luck with that line, Spicey. I’m sure this will be well received and won’t cause you any trouble at all.
@maximus & many, many others, you got there before me.
By “special interests” I take it he means anybody who isn’t him.
And in response, AARP said, “That’s a 38 million member ‘special interest’ to you, motherfucker!”
Lying bastard. Of course he is trying to please special interests. He just doesn’t think he needs to please the AARP. That one is going to bite him on the butt.
and they’ll be telling those 38 million members this (from today’s earlier article here)
“When we examined the impact of both the tax credit changes and 5:1 age rating, our estimates find that, taken together, premiums for older adults could increase by as much as $3,600 for a 55-year old earning $25,000 a year, $7,000 for a 64-year old earning $25,000 a year and up to $8,400 for a 64-year old earning $15,000 a year,” she wrote.
I wonder if he knows that Medi care is for seniors, Medi caid is for those below a certain income level. I don’t know if there’s overlap for seniors below a certain income level.
What next? Is Spicer going to call veterans lazy slackers who wouldn’t have gotten wounded in combat in the first place if they knew what the fuck they were doing?
I am beginning to believe they really do want everyone in the world to hate them to their very bones.
I want Republicans out of the house and Senate in 2018.
Hell, I want Republicans out of the fucking universe in 2018.
It is hard to believe that he just make such an epic statement to basically whack a massive hornets nest right smack dab in the middle of their own base unless “distraction at any cost” wasn’t the highest priority.
Of course, Spicer could quite possibly be this much of an asshat…hard to say.
(More ) bad choices for consumers and lower costs to insurance companies. I read that as all of the plans will suck.
Of course, oil companies, telecommunications companies, Wall Street, insurance companies, bankers, bigoted Christians, anti-Semites, neo-Nazis, the KKK, Vladimir Putin, and the rest are NOT special interests.
Funny how that works, isn’t it?
Yeah nothing is right ever since he tweeted about Obama - they are all off message and I feel like the universe is a 3-legged table right now - I don’t know where that 4th leg is, but when they show it to us - I think it might be an O Shit! moment.
Look at what those deals got people last time. For all those people who are on Medicaid in particular, they don’t have choices anymore.
So, instead of having a choice of which emergency room to beg for care from they have to go to the hospital or clinic that is in the Medicaid managed care plan’s network. He does understand that most states deliver Medicaid to most beneficiaries through private insurers, right?
I keep having this vision of retirees with pitchforks and torches gathering at the 4 PM Dinner Special at Denny’s.
I’m holding out hope that this will come before they do something really, truly awful in their efforts to avoid it… I do not see any boundaries on what they are willing to do. However, their actions are under some serious scrutiny.
Mighty Odin’s Giant Fuckstik! That is just . . . wow. Just . . . I’m . . . Wow.
Bemoaning the fact that people who got on Medicaid “no longer have choices” is a giant Orwellian wad of inconceivable hypocrisy, durp, ignorance, and evil.
But attacking the AARP? Oh, man. You shouldna outta done that, there Sphincter. Holy crap. That’s just priceless.