Discussion: Spicer Insists Senate O'Care Bill Won't Affect Medicaid Recipients

Spicey missed his calling as a stand up comic

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Fellow TPM commenters: If you can, watch the segment that just finished airing on The Last Word (MSNBC) tonight. Ari Melber is hosting in Lawrence O’Donnell’s place. A young disabled man made the most eloquent argument for increased Medicaid and against Trumpcare that I could ever imagine hearing. Ari Melber couldn’t speak when the young man finished explaining what he (and all people) want out of life. (I don’t know how to post it here or I would). I (a perpetual talker) cannot speak after seeing this - and this segment encapsulates what the Democratic message should be.


Spicer has zero credibility. This is a blatant lie. They just lie so easily. It’s disgusting.


More comfortable lying with the cameras off?


More special. Let’s make health care more special! What more do you need to know?

Everything they see looks like a beautiful Ming vase–made by Obama. Must smash with hammer.

Make America Break Again


“The proof of the pudding is in the eating”

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Trump is clearly untrustworthy and has no problem with flat out lying and keeping a straight face…he’s a pathological liar. But we’ve never had a White House filled with liars like this ever before in US History…not even the Bush team lying about Iraq and the trumped up fake intelligence on WMD’s was a blatant lying as the entire Trump scum bags.


There are lies and then there are lies about condemning people to death just because they are poor or gravely disabled. Spicer needs to have a heart-to-heart with his spiritual adviser.

And what happened to McConnell’s claim that he would not roll out his Trumpcare bill without a CBO score? All the Republicans’ pants are on fire. Can’t stand letting the truth get in their way?

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He’s trotting out more alternate facts.

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so says the less than credible spokesman (who is about to be replaced with someone who can lie better) for the most misleading and dishonest POTUS our nation has ever had - any questions?

There is a serious problem going on in the White House!

I support no cladding regulations in high rise buildings in Republican red states, I support no gun laws in Republican red states, I support no healthcare in Republican red states and especially no more vaccines of any kind in those states, I support shutting down all public education in Red states, I support ending women’s rights and their right to vote in red states, I support no government agencies including the EPA, USDA, SEC, CDC, FBI, or any other government functions in red states, I support removing all government infrastructure in red states.

Have at it Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Georgia, Wyoming, Montana, Arizona, Louisiana, Florida, the Carolina’s, S and N Dakota, Alabama, Kentucky, Tenn., W Virginia, and welcome to life in Russia.

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When is the last time Sean Spicer talked to our so called President? I think it was when Trump told him he couldn’t meet the Pope during Trump’s flop of a tour to Europe.

Spicey seems to be the last one who knows what little Donnie is thinking…poor little Spicey’s career going up in smoke. I wonder what Spicey will do for healthcare once he’s replaced by Huckleberry hounds daughter.

I was raised to dismiss people like Spicer who willingly threw away their credibility, dignity, all that. But it’s taken me a lifetime to learn that being like him doesn’t necessarily make you the outcast he would be in, say, my dad’s estimation. In the world’s eyes he’s a big deal and so is his boss. Go figure.

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“There’s a lot of ideas in there. He’s talked about having heart and he likes a lot of the reforms that have been in there. He’s committed to making sure that no one who currently is in the Medicaid program is affected in any way, which is reflected in the Senate bill and he’s pleased with that. So I think he’s very pleased with that bill.”

Proof that President Trump, his voters and his loyal operatives all live in a dimension of time…a dimension of space…


These mongrels are CRAZY!

They are enemies of the people! A large part of the citizenry are blindly following America off a cliff. I predict a violent split coming if the 2018 election doesn’t change DC radically, and that is far from a sure thing.

Spicer said the president has "talked about having heart…"

Spicer’s statements make perfect sense if you just assume that he isn’t talking to anyone at the press conference, answering any questions or messaging to anyone other than Trump’s base. In other words, first take Spicer’s conduct at face value before adding a judgement factor.

From that view, seeing Mr. Spicer’s statement as messaging intended to be taken as truthful, his statement is for Trump’s faithful and the message is that, whatever fake news they are hearing about Medicaid, the Senate bill does NOT affect YOUR Medicaid. Trump kept his promise! So, Spicer is a WH spokesperson in the same way that Josef Goebbels was a Chancellery Spokesperson in 1934.

!n its intended effect, this is rather like Trump’s lawyer Marc Kasowitz telling the junior level WH staffers not to get lawyers and depend on Kasowitz instead. No need to call your representatives! We scratch our heads at why this core of Trump’s supporters don’t appear to understand what is about to happen to them and think Trump is doing a great job and “speaks for them.” One of his last tweets was that the Obamacare repealer legislation would be “really special.” It it toothless to mock Spicer for stupidity. He knows just what he is doing.

What is Mr. Spicer, from a bigger picture, trying to do to the American people? Let’s apply the same literalist interpretation, taking the natural and foreseeable results to be intended. Fundamentally, from the view of "abolishing the administrative state,’ Spicer is openly acting in concert with others in the White House and Congress for the purpose of radically changing the composition of the population by shortening the lives of, or euthanizing certain people (like children of the working poor with leukemia) anyone who can’t pay for their own health care certain groups of people and effectively euthanizing others by intentional refusal of medical help.

Spicer lies. Reducing Medicaid payouts is one of the key points of the Senate Republican health care bill, so they can reduce billionaire tax rates.

Meanwhile, the Senate GOP bill is not a “solution” to health care, it is an alternative to health care for the masses. The Senate “health care” bill is not a “solution” to anything.

We have the very best health care in the world. We have the very worst HEALTH CARE PAYMENT SYSTEM in the world.

This is America. You’d think we could make it work. But no. Not as long as Republicans get to set the agenda.

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