Discussion: Spicer Insists Senate O'Care Bill Won't Affect Medicaid Recipients

Can someone just edit the headline to read correctly. Something like: “Spicer Lied Insisting Senate O’Care Bill Won’t Affect Medicaid Recipients.”


Can someone explain Spicer’s spin? “No one currently on Medicaid will be affected.” How can he say that?


Because Trump told him he had to?

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Sean brings back parsing with a vengeance, called Aternate facts . Remember when Bill Clinton was parsing: he did not have sex with that woman…
It was his downfall, and it will be Sean’s. He seems to have aged the lines are deeper. The Trump Team knows nothing about anything except spend other people/s money - the taxpayer.

And his boss knows no loyalty, or ethical conduct or integrity or anything I’d like to tell my kids to follow as example. He actually is bad for the generation of kids who look to the president for a moral compass as the Preznut 's has gone haywire.

Truly a Den of Thieves.

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Does he not know he is lying?

bcz, he’s ethically challenged and hoping he’ll keep his job.

Don the Con probably told him to lie.

Don the Con: Sean, just lie just look at me. I get away with it.
I don’t expect integrity from my staff. Jeff got it
don’t you get it?

Of course he does, and his gig pays well.

Always Follow The Money.


Spicey missed his calling as a stand up comic

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Fellow TPM commenters: If you can, watch the segment that just finished airing on The Last Word (MSNBC) tonight. Ari Melber is hosting in Lawrence O’Donnell’s place. A young disabled man made the most eloquent argument for increased Medicaid and against Trumpcare that I could ever imagine hearing. Ari Melber couldn’t speak when the young man finished explaining what he (and all people) want out of life. (I don’t know how to post it here or I would). I (a perpetual talker) cannot speak after seeing this - and this segment encapsulates what the Democratic message should be.


Spicer has zero credibility. This is a blatant lie. They just lie so easily. It’s disgusting.


More comfortable lying with the cameras off?


More special. Let’s make health care more special! What more do you need to know?

Everything they see looks like a beautiful Ming vase–made by Obama. Must smash with hammer.

Make America Break Again


“The proof of the pudding is in the eating”

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Trump is clearly untrustworthy and has no problem with flat out lying and keeping a straight face…he’s a pathological liar. But we’ve never had a White House filled with liars like this ever before in US History…not even the Bush team lying about Iraq and the trumped up fake intelligence on WMD’s was a blatant lying as the entire Trump scum bags.


There are lies and then there are lies about condemning people to death just because they are poor or gravely disabled. Spicer needs to have a heart-to-heart with his spiritual adviser.

And what happened to McConnell’s claim that he would not roll out his Trumpcare bill without a CBO score? All the Republicans’ pants are on fire. Can’t stand letting the truth get in their way?

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He’s trotting out more alternate facts.

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so says the less than credible spokesman (who is about to be replaced with someone who can lie better) for the most misleading and dishonest POTUS our nation has ever had - any questions?

There is a serious problem going on in the White House!

I support no cladding regulations in high rise buildings in Republican red states, I support no gun laws in Republican red states, I support no healthcare in Republican red states and especially no more vaccines of any kind in those states, I support shutting down all public education in Red states, I support ending women’s rights and their right to vote in red states, I support no government agencies including the EPA, USDA, SEC, CDC, FBI, or any other government functions in red states, I support removing all government infrastructure in red states.

Have at it Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Georgia, Wyoming, Montana, Arizona, Louisiana, Florida, the Carolina’s, S and N Dakota, Alabama, Kentucky, Tenn., W Virginia, and welcome to life in Russia.

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