Discussion: Spicer Denies Trump Tower Poll Watching Banned By Consent Decree

Does Spicee seriously think anyone is going to believe him? He has exactly 0 credibility.


They seem to have deserved each other—a match made in Hell.


Spicer Denies Trump Tower Poll Watching Banned By Consent Decree

Completely incomprehensible headline.


Partners in the grift. The world’s second oldest long con.


I’m glad it’s not just me because I can’t make any sense of it either and I didn’t know if I was missing something.


And we can believe him because?? Let’s see what the judge decides, not what Spicer and his lawyers allege.


She seems so out there you wonder if she’ll start bragging about her “Jew lawyer”.

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“Intriguing” is the word…I didn’t get it either…

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A widow on her way to the state legislature appropriating a 20th century meme from an aggrieved black man. Who woulda thunk it. The better half’s favorite figure in the world is Lincoln, will run this by him, and I’m sure he’ll be able to elaborate.

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Just so Spicey doesn’t break out into All Along The Watchtower, we can rest easy. Hahaha

@tena @clauscph


Can you hear it? Left coaster laughter? ohoh thread nanny wants to bite me on the arse.

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Sean Spicer can say what he pleases. His actions on Election Day and his presence at Trump Tower sure look like the Republican Party violated the poll watching terms of the Consent Decree.


There’s a whole website, a five-part investigative series, about this con man. The teen thing is just one thread, not even the major one. I hope to listen to it this weekend. It looks good. http://longcon.kycir.org/

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Sean who?

But people will believe him…just not us. Loyal Fox News watchers, Rush listeners, Breitbarters, #MAGA cult members, evangelicals…they will all believe him, because they heard it somewhere “reliable”… they believe what their overlords tell them.

The lemmings have been well trained.

Clarence Thomas was not justifiably aggrieved. He was a Double AA Minor Leaguer that Bush and Senator Danforth brought in to replace a veritable American Giant, and when credible allegations forced a hearing, “high tech lynching” was his play from the bottom of the deck, to compare anyone who dared question him, a political hack who had abused his power, to lynch mobs in the South. High tech lynching was as much of a chutzpah stretch when Clarence Thomas invoked victims of racism to tar anyone who dared question his fitness for the lifetime appointment on the SCOTUS. It was just like Alito’s wife sitting at his hearings and weeping because Democrats were doing their job of asking him questions, in reply to which he lied, repeatedly. Clarence Thomas once confirmed and on the Court, failed to disclose conflicts of interest in dozens of cases he sat on posed by his wife’s political affiliation and employment. He is a disgrace and it still annoys me to hear the phrase he coined to imply that anyone who dared scrutinize him was a racist murderer vigilante.


It was a horrible moment when he said that. Played on the worst stereotypes of racism and sealed his nomination. I also still have a lingering distaste for Biden who wanted to give Thomas “the benefit of doubt” and worse, loved the sound of his voice so much he sucked the air out of the room. You know that Thomas’ wife called Hill a few years ago asking her to apologize. This sounds like a dialing while drunk call.

“Good morning, Anita Hill. It’s Ginni Thomas,” it said. “I just wanted to reach across the airwaves and the years and ask you to consider something. I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband.”

It continued: “So give it some thought. And certainly pray about this and hope that one day you will help us understand why you did what you did. Okay, have a good day.”


I do not understand the hero status of Joe Biden. He bent over backwards for the Republicans who had already proven during the Iran-Contra hearings that they were bad faith hard ball players. There has been this revisionist history that Joe Biden is some firebrand populist hero. He wanted to be the first president from Delaware. Home of the Delaware Corporation and of all the credit card companies.

During those hearings, Arlen Spector did a real ad hominem hatchet job on Anita Hill. But years later, I got a mailing, in NYC, from Arlen Spector, asking for contributions and support because he was being subjected to Anti Semitism by the constituents of his Republican Party. It was in the years well before Internet and email, but I wrote him back and told him he had a lot of nerve, after selling his soul to the Right Wing of the Dixiecrat Party he belonged to, to solicit funds from Liberal New York City residents because he was experiencing totally predictable ethnic hatred from the Reagan Era GOP’s new constituents.

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Plus he is a pathological liar.

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There has been some back and forth here about Biden and the rumors he’s going to run in 2020. He’ll be 78 and that alone runs counter to our notion that new blood is necessary in order to win.

Spector did sell his soul, and it came back to bite him on the ass when he tried to run as a Democrat because Rs didn’t want him. Overall, though, there’s a great big dose of whore in way too many congress critters. Maybe it’s why there’s not more enthusiasm for political news among too many people.

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