Discussion: Spicer Confirms WH Is Helping With Amendment To Modify O'Care Repeal Bill

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Ah, the classic strategery of “moving the goalposts.”

How clever.


Trump now fully and completely owns the legislation . It shall henceforth be known as TRUMP DOESN"T CARE ACT.


A reporter put it all in prospective this morning,they said that since the CBO came out with it’s Plan Blowing estimates Trump has been unusually silent.If the estimate had gone the other way and added twenty four million people those little finger of his would have been non stop on twitter crowing.


The amendment would potentially throw some goodies to those conservatives in the form of moving up the date to roll back Medicaid expansion from 2020 to 2018, or moving up the date for other changes to the insurance marketplace, Politico reported.

"You can’t put everything you want in that legislation because it would be filibustered and you couldn’t even bring it up for a vote in the Senate," Ryan told reporters in a 35-minute briefing that came complete with a PowerPoint presentation detailing the GOP strategy.

If an amended bill came out of the house, there are four GOP senators who would reportedly vote no and that’s not including Cotton and inevitably Collins.


Shep Smith just announced big conference call on Trumpcare in about 40 minutes

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The classic strategy of having nothing to offer so making up bull shit day after day.

Steve Bannon is on it. Members of minority groups will receive a Band-Aid in the mail, and the new bill will define that as “healthcare.” They’ll be considered to be covered, thus adding millions to the rolls of the insured, but will be ineligible for any tax credits or subsidies.

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Oh, by all means let’s get rid of Medicare coverage earlier. Either the stupidest or the most brilliant plan of the year. These people are hopeless.


Wouldn’t it be easier for this MeshugennerSpice to have SteveBannon tell him what to say? I hear there are Microwave earwigs on the market now… I think the brand of ConJobbers.

The “Republican NoCare Act”.

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This entire AHCA Bill reminds me of the Reagan Administration re-classifying “Ketchup” as a “Vegetable” for all school lunch programs so that McDonalds could legally take over the cafeteria duties in hundreds of schools.


Yeah well, that three-prong approach is going swimmingly. No one knows what the fuck those other two prongs are but what the hey…

I think it basically goes like this:
First prong, find a way to weaken or get rid of Medicaid.
Second prong, find a way to weaken or get rid of Medicare.
Third prong, find a way to weaken or rid of Social Security. (The bonus would be to privatize SS and give it over to Wall Street…Its still a perennial GOP wet-dream).


Lipstick on a dead pig.


More like smearing blood on the dead pig’s lips and claiming it is lipstick.


I prefer DonTcare.

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Perhaps the TrumPublican No Care Act?