To be fair, if there were a Spanish site it would be little more than a stream of slurs and epithets directed at Mexicans, occasionally interrupted by nauseating images of Trumpized versions of Latin American cuisine.
They’re still trying to translate “Make America Great Again” into Spanish. Once that’s done, they’ll start on “Mexico will pay for the wall.”
“Lo tendremos en dos o tres semanas. Estará bien. ¡créame!”
The White House IT staff will put up a few Spanish language pages on the site … as soon as they work out all the bugs on the word salad to English translator x-(
I see President Bannon is now fully in the driver’s seat. Especially now that the flame-throwing asshole in the WH (technically at one of his golf courses) is preoccupied with more pressing matters like, which cable news shows talk about him in ways he refuses to let go of.
Beats having to decide between Gary Busey, Lil John or Meatloaf I suppose. How prescient of Obama when he said, “And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter — like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened in Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?”
You could just as easily say that today, as you could six years ago, only this time it wouldn’t be a joke…it’s sad commentary. tRump’s obsessions will never fully go away, not with that insomniac’s adrenaline-infused and sclerotic-addled brain of his. The country is stuck with this moron until the fucking GOPers get off their fucking rear ends and insist on a fully accountable Presidency, or agrees to impeach his sorry ass, once and for all. We’ll still be waiting…but by the time they act, it’ll probably be too late.
El Presidente Pendejo.
This guy needs to be replaced with some undocumented Mexican labor. I would like to hire Vicente Fox.
And its Spanish-language Twitter account is heavy with English text and features sloppy translations.
To be fair, people who are fluent in Spanish are rather hard to find in the United States, so I guess there’s nothing to be done.
Article leaves me wondering: if the administration is reaching out to any Hispanic organizations besides the Chamber of Commerce? How many Hispanics voted for him? The 28%? What were they expecting? Are the getting it?
Who’s handling Asian outreach? Charlie Chan? General Chang?
For a bit of useless - though interesting - information, the second Luis Miranda mentioned in the article is the father of Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Donnie did that taco salad salute photo op to show he cares. Was that not enough caring?
Rather telling – a mostly incompetent administration is able to tend to all the details in letting Americans of Mexican heritage that their own President doesn’t consider them to be real Americans.
Sorry, but I’m not going to give any more disapproving looks when Trumpp is compared to Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler started off with the little things, too, and that’s the point where opposition had the best chance to put Germany on a different path.
“Consigo dos cucharadas de helado. Usted consigue solamente uno.”
The Spanish tweets are sprinkled with typos.
Well that should come as no surprise. Chiselin’ Trumps English communications (if you can really call them that) are sprinkled with typos!
General Tso. He’s also a military advisor.
Trump has given his tiny, stubby middle finger to almost everyone, including spineless saps like Ryan, Cruz, Cornyn and McConnell. He’s brazenly insulted minorities, women, handicapped/disabled people, immigrants, Muslims, Merkel, the list is too long to post. And yet, he persists. What in the hell is wrong with the adults in the room if we can’t get rid of this raging narcissistic a-hole? I hate to even write this, but he’s the other “Teflon Don”. If our system of government doesn’t have a way to get rid of this undeniably deranged bigot, we need to retool our democracy and our checks and balances to make sure Cheeto Tito never happens again.