Eric Trump is also a big fan of using high powered rifles to kill innocent endangered animals.
Farenthold has done an excellent job of exposing Trump for the bulls**t artist he is.
Donald J Trump, Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump
In other words, another set of fabrications.
And, has been pointed out over and over again, nothing that can’t be immediately documented by opening the piece of trump’s tax returns.
Of a piece with the piece of trump’s speculating that the IRS is auditing his tax returns because he is, ahem, a Christian – a trumpoid so blatantly spurious that the piece of trump is known to have suggested it only once.
it must be true - I just read it on the internets!
Unless you’re going to beat them, not much you can do at this point.
This one is my own personal favorite:
I think both boys look like werewolves with their hair swept back.
Huzza, Huzza.
Really. Eric Trump looks like Patrick Bateman had sex with a rabid ferret and then filed a suit forcing her to carry the hybrid to term.
Give the kid a pair of black pajamas and a mask and he’s the “Jihadi John” of the large, odd-toed ungulates.
Shorter ET:
"My father has given me
(and my foundation)
hundreds of thousands of dollars."
The reporter’s been interviewed on MSNBC, sounds like a perfectly reasonable guy, unlike the objects of his investigation. When they’re handing out journalism awards, I hope he’s in line for one.
@ralph_vonholst Newt makes sense only if you consider that the trump campaign would have a problem with selecting Christie for anything since Christie as NJ federal prosecutor tried son-in-law’s father Charles Kushner and he served two terms for various financial shenanigans. Son-in-law will also have to disavow all his Democratic friends and associates before too long to stay on trump’s good side, assuming he has one.
So, then, I guess sociopathy is hereditary. Who knew.
“Millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and millions and gazillions to infinity… I WIN!”
Uday and Qusay Trump are worthy heirs to their mighty father.
Good grief…the son talks just like his miserable father – same paucity of vocabulary words. No doubt a grifter just like dear old dad.
Really, though, is there anything lower than a rich, entitled scumbag that enhances vanity product sales by offering proceeds to charity, and then pockets it?
Sometimes the kids of the super wealthy go to Harvard or someplace and become great people. See: Kennedys. The son of Rockefeller who gave lots of land and 45 miles of carriage roads and two big gatehouses to Acadia National Park. I’m sure there are many others.
Then there are those like the Trump clan, one egotistical superficial crude money enhanced one after another. Even affecting the in-laws. But then son in law Kushner is the son of a major jailed crook. Sometimes like attracts like.