Discussion: <span class="s1">Shocked Liberals Discover Pope Is Actually...Catholic!

Discussion for article #241282

No, that isn’t it! Was the Pope duped? Or, did he really know what he was doing? Not “shocked” liberals… disappointed Americans. He came with a good message, one of hope, caring, etc., then he does this. Is it Davis fault? Her lawyer’s? If it was truly a spiritual meeting of kindness, what is she doing bragging about it, going on TV to “gloat” about it? I really doubt it meant much to her other than she can spin it to say that the Pope supports her views!

Did he really? Does he? He just disappointed. Is he just one more “politician” looking for the right angle? As a spiritual leader, he should at the very least explain his actions when they caused so much hurt and disappointment. Not shock, Sarah, just disappointment - same old Pope same old views - only caring for the “correct” people and the “correct” views… not all “god’s children” …

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I don’t think the pope was totally duped. He did know about this woman, but maybe not all the circumstances surrounding it. I think that the pope was used by conservative bishops who side with Davis. It is very unfortunate that this happened, but I am not surprised.


Wow. Even for TPM this is a shitty headline.

Well done, headline guy. You were the shittiest thing in a mediocre website, and you managed to dig deep down and become even worse.


Actually, it was revealed that one of the most right winged bishops Carlo Maria Vigano arranged it two weeks before the Pope got here and it is probably more than likely the Pope did not know who she was. It has been well documented that the Pope does not read American newspapers. From what is leaking out, he may have been set up,. Vigano is not well liked and it is rumored his resignation may be forthcoming.



I still like the guy. The issues he seems to care about seem to be larger scale. It is fine he is pro-life and so on. Whatever. This is sort of a different issue that I have not heard him say before.

I have heard him talk of religious liberty before but never quite like this. Usually it is referencing more tyrannical areas were people cannot worship as they want. This is not really about worship. It is about one person’s views getting to trump the laws of society. All while maintaining a position with that government. It is not a religious liberty issue, it is do you want society to fall apart issue.


Me too and if you check out my post above, you will see there is more to this story than meets the eye,

Headline is asinine.

That would certainly help explain all that odd, prickly ambivalence when the Vatican was first responding to the news.

If a Pope happens to meet with a religion grifter, but seeks God and has good will, then who am I to judge?


It’s amazing. Many here seem to think that the Pope is not clear about Davis or her stance. I’m sure he knew 100% what she stands for, and what her position is. What’s more, he approves of her position. How about that? Is the Pope Catholic, or what?

Sure. Now reconcile that with the dipshit headline.

I don’t think liberals are shocked to find that the pope is indeed Catholic. What they are shocked about is that despite some progressive pronouncements, resulting in red-faced attacks by Republicans and FoxNews (which gave liberals hope), is that he elevated Davis to a prominent position reserved for few, despite her anti-christian and anti-constitution actions. The pope is still the CEO of a very conservation religious industry. This was not truly unexpected for a closed-minded religious organization (“my way or the highway”), somewhat akin to Huckabee and his religion.

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I understand the symbolism of Ms. Davis meeting with the Pope. But where the rubber hits the road, it doesn’t matter. We’re still a nation ruled by laws and she needs to follow them. End of story.


I don’t get where you’re coming from; this is one example of the headline being spot-on. You yourself may not have been shocked, and neither am I, but my FB timeline and lots of comment threads are cluttered up with a lot of (liberal) people who had been annoyingly gushing over Francis a couple of days ago now saying “well so much for that, I’m done with the guy!”

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Has the Vatican admitted that the meeting took place then? Or are they still hiding behind the “no comment” line? And for a Catholic isn’t that more than a little dishonest?

Frankie was really pissed when he found out that ignorant backwoods, serial marrying Christofascist Kimmi’ wasn’t Rosa Parks.

And meeting her in secret…ball less and jumping the shark! Perhaps they held an Pervuian prayer circle? Perhaps she offered him some Kentucky squirrel gravy?

Oh goodness, to hell with the old cultist Papist and the hateful fundie bitch. If Frankie had any good will accumulated on this visit, he shit it away with that visit.

"Mama mia! Who is that frightening sow? I thought you said we were meeting Kim…Kim Kardashian!!! Get me outta here pronto!"

And now we get word that the Vatican is saying the obvious. That the Pope wasn’t completely backing Kim Davis the way she said. The real question is: “Who on the Pope’s staff set this up and what was the Pope told about her?”

Liberals always knew the Pope is Catholic. That doesn’t necessarily mean what the author of this article thinks it means. Up until the last 30 or so years, the Catholic Church was fighting for the little people. It was John Paul 2 who moved the church into the conservative fold.