F*ck off, Jeb. We can’t continually be the world police. The attack was in France, not the United States. We can’t blame every damn terrorist attack in the world on the President of the United States. Doing so is absurd. So just STFU.
Bush finally spoke up? I thought he had been stuck dumb at the last debate.
I’m feeling intensely sickened and disgusted now. Different sort of disgust than I have when I see Trump, Carson, Fiorina, etc, because Jeb! is running on his (not literally but effectively his) actual record, his bro’s record, which is by any measure an epic disaster, and wastes no time to take advantage of any tragedy like this to justify W’s record and blame Obama. He must be high-fiving with his staffer now. Disgusting, just disgusting.
Please proceed Governor! It worked out so well the last time a GOP presidential candidate decided to comment on a situation before getting all the facts, why not give it another go?!
I was just about to type that: Please proceed, Governor.
Someone I don’t need to hear from now is Edward Snowden or any Bush.
The very last thing this country needs at a time when we’re hearing about terrorism is to have another fucking Bush! opening his big mouth, trying to pretend he knows what he’s talking about, when everyone knows he hasn’t got a clue. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say. Got it??? One too many Bushes already.
Just. Fucking. Go. Away.
The road is clear for Jeb! for once Hawks are landing on his outstretched arms arms like Ace Ventura.
And to them a country without war is adrift.
Not to mention if we hadn’t destabilized the entire Middle East because of his brother’s premeditated and preemptive war in Iraq this problem we have now wouldn’t be the flash point it is today all around the world now.
Just a little known fact Jeb! seems to conveniently ignore whenever he spouts off.
It’s always too soon to talk about gun control, but never too soon to start another war.
Actually , Jeb! this is the war from another time, and most certainly not the future. One of the thousands of articles written about how disbanding Saddam’s army led to ISIS:
I think the silly bastard thinks if he could strut around the Abraham Lincoln with a sock stuffed in his shorts ISIS
would be so intimidated it would be game over.
But… the GOP voters don’t read things, they’d rather listen to the pretty little lies assholes like Jeb spout with no hesitation.
Hey Jeb! Just STFU and get out. Your brother allowed the worst terror attack in our history and then proceeded to do more damage to this country’s economy than bin Laden could, all the while engaging in useless FUBAR war ventures in Iraq and Afghanistan. You, as part of the Bush Cabal, have no standing here. FUCK OFF.
NO! That was your fuckwaad brother.
This is all on him!
And don’t think we will ever forget!
The SOFA is easy to research and understand. I doubt the media forgets it. I’m sure it’s never clarified for the same reason that nobody ever questions the fact that elections unexpectedly swing one way, Republican. Kinda makes me go hmmmm, not the liberal media though, they can’t even Google the Status of Forces Agreement, much less do effective investigative reporting of any kind.
A republican has to have a lot of damn gall to advise France on matters of war after years of taunting the French as “surrender pigs”, & etc. Stick a freedom fry in it JEBya. .
Thanks to your brother, George W. Bush, for lighting the candle of this destruction and loss of life