Seriously? They get as many Senators as CA, and how many representatives to they get? I’ll wait, while you think about how different the Senate is from the House.
Also? What’s with insistence on slamming an entire state because of the GOP in that state?
I think they’re idiots, as well, but the sheer disdain and ignorance demonstrated by many on TPM comment boards for states that aren’t on the coasts is pretty off-turning. And I live in Connecticut, so don’t tell me it’s just my hurt feelings.
Clearly, they aren’t. But that 176 voted against are ignored in the blithe condemnation of South Dakota and the whining about why SD should get TWO EFFING SENATORS, same as California!
“I’ve got a thick book on impeachable offenses of the president,” resolution sponsor Allen Unruh told the Argus Leader
All entirely in his own mind. It would be great if the GOTP House in DC actually does this, especially before the midterms in November. But they havent got the stones, let alone any legitimate impeachable offenses…
I’m not about to change the way things work just because greedy, self-absorbed people with money have figured out, for now, a way to screw a good portion of the people in SD, to say nothing of the rest of the country.
We’re a young country in the scheme of things, but history has this nasty habit of repeating itself.
But not all South Dakotan Republicans agreed with this, so what’s with all the shaming of South Dakota evident here on this comment thread?
That’s the part I don’t get. Does it bug me that a state as unpopulated as SD has the same number of Senators as CA? No. It’s an ingenious check on the ability of the most populous states to dictate to the least populous states. Having lived most of my life in those most populous states? I don’t have a problem with that check.
But I have breathed easier for six years. Despite the nutty rhetoric from both ends of the spectrum, the country has changed course and is on a even keel.
Normally, I would, too, except the media is very different right now.
The House won’t start impeachment proceedings, but then, that’s the rational part of my brain speaking. Rational as an adjective no longer applies to the GOPers in the House. So I think all bets are off, and just because they (GOP) took a bath in 98 because of impeachment proceedings doesn’t mean history will repeat itself this time.
“I’ve got a thick book on impeachable offenses of the president,”
Well I read the Argus Leader post by David Montgomery, and to whom it may concern – NO he didn’t ask to see the alleged “thick book on impeachable offenses”.
I don’t really doubt the book exist and of course it would be [thick]…with impeachable??? offenses like: being President while black, living in the White House while black, signing bills into law while black and/or Democrat, winning elections while Democrat, not being xenophobic, not being homophobic, not being misogynistic and etcetera.
Thumping their sunken chests again, to try and show the base how manly they are.
Makes ya wonder why they bother. This kind of theater stopped working on most voters, back when people figured out they really didn’t want to drink beer with George W. Chimpface.