Discussion: Sonia Sotomayor Visits Costco, Finds Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

Only bad thing about buying Hillary’s book at Cosco? You have to buy a pallet of 18 shrink-wrapped.

Donate the extras.

Thanks Sahil, you made my day <3 Just laughing out loud reading the comments. Aren’t women so too much silly sometimes, just like men most of the time. Except men slap each other where women hug each other.

a gross of each

I’m happy for this opportunity to see HRC laughing her head off and making a quip in a personal context. Makes me feel even better about the prospects for her election and the prospects for the country thereafter.


Not just the Bechdel test, but they are not discussing clothes, hair or shoes either. Books. They’re discussing BOOKS.

Edited to add that it is a pleasure to read a pool report that does not comment on either woman’s appearance in anyway either.

I thought it was too. Costco no less. Somehow I never thought I’d see or hear of Hillary at Costco - Sotomayor not as much of a surprise.

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Welcome to Costco, I love you.

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It’ll be news Monday when the Rightwing Noise Machine proclaims this an obvious setup and evidence of what a byzantine, psychotic, unstable dictator-in-waiting evil C-Bomb Hillary is.

RWNs will also proclaim it’s a Kabbalah-inspired conspiracy in which they left coded messages for each other in their books

what i got out of this is a reminder of how when you see democrats out in public they show how down to earth they are. As meaningless as this was it still says alot about sotomayor and mrs clinton.
Its like when you see obama at a restaurant or where ever, he acts and talks like the next door neighbour and not some stuck up to fucking good to be around you kind of person.

First, in general: TPM is a website. It’s not like there’s only so many pages in a physical newspaper or minutes in a newscast. TPM doesn’t have to pull out more electrons to run this piece. You don’t have to turn the page or the channel. There’s no reason TPM can’t run a minor piece, acute piece, or a fun piece. Arguments from purity or dignity are cranky and bespeak outmoded models.
Second: These are two wealthy women, one is one of the most powerful women in the world, the other quondam et futurus. And the powerful one does her own shopping at a warehouse store. It’s worth noting.

LOL! Best under-rated movie, ever! :slight_smile:

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