Discussion: Some Middle-Class Families Would Pay More With Trump's Tax Plan

Elections have consequences. Suckas.


I don’t see what the problem is. This was all thoroughly explained by the press during the campaign season in their detailed policy analyses.


“We’ve been cutting taxes since Reagan, and things have been getting worse for the middle class since Reagan.”

GOP (high-fiving each other): “Mission Accomplished!”


Kelly Rodriguez, 47, who lives in Tampa, Florida, voted for Trump and is a single mother who claims two of her four children as dependents. (Her ex-husband claims the other two.) She made roughly $90,000 last year, including alimony payments. Her taxes would likely rise under Trump’s plan, according to Batchelder’s analysis.

“I would want him to explain that to me,” she said. “Taxes have to make sense to the people paying them.”

No. they don’t have to explain that to you. Not at all. This is what happens when one doesn’t understand what is on the ballot because one doesn’t ask the right questions. You were way too interested in making ‘America great again’, without asking exactly how that was intended to occur.

You got what you asked for. He is making America great again. Just not your America. And you are not owed an explanation.


So where’s the fake news report that it’s Obama’s fault?


She’ll be lucky if Trump doesn’t eliminate alimony and child support for women entirely.




Adding Liar to Corrupt, Lazy, Loser.


So she voted for the guy whom everyone knew was going to cut taxes for billionaires who already pay no income tax, and NOW she’s demanding a sensible tax plan? Hey, Kelly, he’s got an explanation of his tax plan for ya - it’s right beside his own tax returns.

Good luck, asshole.


I expecting the same old GOP crap from Trump. The one percent,and the corporations will get all the breaks and working people will be screwed. I am not even wondering about, its pretty much guaranteed from what I have seen so far.


All I can say is, she gets what she deserves!

No sympathy from me!!!


Increased taxes on the middle-class? Check.
Increased health care premiums? Check.
Increased unemployment by abandoning overseas manufacturing which state based companies rely on? Check.
Increased risk of state sponsored terrorism due to abandoning status of forces agreements with other countries? Check.
Increased risk of lone wolf terrorists due to weakened intelligence gathering and shifting police to stop and frisk? Check…

The GOP plan in action. This is what their supporters voted for (among other atrocities).


Kansas, anyone, Kansas?


Let’s hope Don the Con’s tax increase for the middle class falls most heavily on his voters.


More Trump Chumps.

How dumb do people have to be? The GOP has devastated the middle class, starting with Reagan who tried to launch a stark divide between rich and poor. And succeeded all too well.

Putin’s puppet is fulfilling the “Foundations for Geopolitics” by Alexander Dugin in 1997:

> In the United States:
> Russia should use its special forces within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism. For instance, provoke “Afro-American racists”. Russia should “introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.” (from Wikipedia)


The fucking Trumptards believed every lie the giant orange turd fed them during his campaign to end Democracy in the U.S.A. Watch them deny and rationalize every time they are betrayed by Putin’s orange rent boy. Fucking morons.


“I would want him to explain that to me,” she said. “Taxes have to make sense to the people paying them.”

No they don’t have to make sense. They have never had to make sense and they don’t you simple fool.

I’m glad your taxes are going up and hope you suffer enormously. You deserve every horror you have brought on our nation three fold. I hope one of your children comes down with something good health care would fix but your hatred of Obamacare leaves you at the mercy of “GoFundMe.” That’s called karma and it sucks.

You and your fellow Trump supporters are personas no grata and will remain that way until you apologize and do something to undo what you’ve done to our nation. If you refuse you will be shunned like an Amish prostitute. I will no longer consider you an American but a rebel, a traitor to American values and a co-conspirator of an illegitimate regime.

Good luck with that.


The article is interesting, but one quote from it adds to a common misconception which is that lower income and middle income people do not pay taxes. Yes, it is true that their contribution to the federal income tax is relatively low, but if one factors in FICA (payroll tax) and state and local taxes, the US tax system is rather flat and most of the progressivity goes away and most income strata pay relatively close to their share of total national income. This is a link to a table showing the total tax burden of different income strata compared to their share of national income: http://ctj.org/ctjreports/2015/04/who_pays_taxes_in_america_in_2015.php#.WDjZK3fweYU


I ran the numbers in a spreadsheet, not counting for such things as deductions and child tax credits; I think there’s another group of people who will be affected. There appears to be a “doughnut hole” from roughly $150k to $450k for someone filing single.

For example, let’s say that someone has total gross income of $200k after taking out deductions. Under current tax policy, they would pay:

10% tax on the first $9,275 = 927.50
15% tax on the next $28,375 = 4,256.25
25% tax on the next $53,500 = 13,375.00
28% tax on the next $99,000 = 27,720.00
33% tax on the next $9,850 = 3,250
Total tax = $49,529.25

Under Trump’s proposal, they would pay:

12% tax on the first $37,500 = 4,500.00
25% tax on the next $75,000 = 18,750.00
33% tax on the next $87,500 = 28,875.00
Total tax = $52,125.00

Am I missing something?