Discussion: Somali-American MN Rep. Poised To Make History In Congress After Primary Win


Congratulations to her. Sheā€™s a remarkably articulate, and from all appearances remarkably intelligent, woman.

Now we just have to hope that Trump, Sessions, and Miller donā€™t try to revoke her citizenship and deport her and her family.


And she teaches her children well -
ā€˜Trumpā€™s ā€œMuslim ban,ā€ which blocked travel and immigration from Somalia and six other countries ā€¦ Trump was on the TV as she rushed out the door this morning, Omar tells me. Her four-year-old daughter turned off the set. ā€œHe doesnā€™t want us in his home, so we donā€™t want him in our home,ā€ the girl said.ā€™


I think sheā€™ll have a lot to learn in congress. I really hope Pelosi and Sanders and the rest of the old guard help her ramp up.

She needs to become a master parliamentarian. She needs to assemble a real staff and learn how to put them to good use. She needs to learn every nuance of the way power is shared between civilian, military, and corporate leadership. And all of this is entirely separate from mastering policy.

The most dangerous sharks in the world donā€™t swim in the ocean. They walk the streets of Washington, D.C., and they will absolutely steamroll her if she doesnā€™t prevent it.


I wonder when Empty Dumpty will attack her on Twitter? Another powerful black woman!


Things like this and like Hallquist in Vermont give me hope that this country will survive and prosper beyond the corrupt (mal)administration currently camping out in the WH.


Dang, you got a mouth on you, donā€™t you? Sheā€™ll do fine. She was raised in a refugee camp. Somehow I think she knows more about survival than you.


Loving, loving, LOVING this! Another blow against white supremacy, against misogyny, against xenophobia, and islamophobia. Anybody know about the possibility of women becoming the majority in the House? Assuming that all female candidates win (Democrats if the repug is also female.) Surely there are at least 218 women running.

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Sadly that thought crossed my mind. I can imagine the MAGA world will fall on her head if Trump is able to focus on her. Clearly she is in a safe district, but the money that will be spent against her by the Republicans might be something.


And Minneapolis is replacing the first Muslim ever elected to Congress withā€¦ another Muslim. I am sure the dotard will not poop his stinky racist twitterdiaper over this :smile:


I voted for her.

A refugee camp is not the US House.

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I just hope she has her birth certificateā€¦

I see Trumpster heads exploding when a Muslim woman from Africa takes a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. And it makes me happy. (Presuming, of course, that she wins in November.)

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