Can you imagine the hyperventilating outrage if even ONE campaign email were released to the press?
“Kellyanne, what about WikiLeaks? They’ve released thousands of campaign emails and even private correspondence?”
“We had nothing to do with that. Why isn’t Hillary in jail for hacking our emails? Really, Anderson, the double-standard of the media is breathtaking”
@spencersmom Surely there is no quick fix for the problem, right?
Hello, hello? Tap, tap…is this thing on? Paging Anonymous. Anonymous, please pick up the white courtesy keyboard.
Beat me to it.
I’m sure WikiLeaks will get right on this… Any day now. Information wants to be free, man.
“Our infrastructure is vast and leverages multiple platforms which are consistently monitored and upgraded using current cyber security best practices.”
“Also, it comes in Harvest Gold or Avocado.”
The Russians don’t have to hack Trump, they can just ask for the information. Or maybe they’re actually running the server on his behalf.
It’s the yuugest, classiest, best server ever.
I’d probably get in trouble for conducting unauthorized pen-testing wouldn’t I?
Exactly. That paragraph sounded like it was copied/pasted from any web-hosting company anywhere.
@steviedell11–I just about spit coffee all over my keyboard at that comment! Too funny!
No need to work hard to hack his server when his own mouth is the best source of his own criminal activities.
Feel free to google “Trump Hotel PCI” and you fill find many great articles showing they had a reoccurring breach after failing to remediate the issues the first time. Verifiably False.
Steviedee111, I’m so disappointed that you forgot all about Burnt Orange!
The Trump reps statement sure sounds like a Gary Hart-type invitation.
Any pornographic materials on those servers or Melania’s real immigration documents?
Trump org, not Trump campaign* Though that doesn’t have a great record, either: (sorry, learning how to use forum)
Please oh please oh please…
They have not fingered out how to get it on the innertubes yet. Probably still using Asynchronous modems at 24KB per second to communicate with one another.
Actually it was Barron Trump. He’s so good with computers, it’s unbelievable.
HAHAHAHAHA…dumb plucks…