Discussion for article #246010
Well, as usual, I cannot watch the clip. I cannot explain it–because it doesn’t happen 100% of the time–but nearly every clip that originates from NBC isn’t compatible with my computer’s programming. I have done everything from restarting the computer, turning off the spam protector, adjust my Norton’s, etc. NBC stuff–programmatically speaking–sucks.
I don’t have any of that stuff (Norton, spam blocker, ect). Only thing I run is ad blocker, and the standard MS virus protection. Always works fine for me.
I thought the skit was hilarious, especially the end when HRC points out the change likely to come in the south. Great stuff.
Thanks for the info. I also use AdBlock Plus. Maybe it’s the combination of all the above. I will work on it. Thanks again.
Funny, but not not their best effort. But I did laugh out loud at the Jeb Bush part especially where he got that classic befuddled Jeb look when he realized they could see him and he couldn’t understand why it wasn’t working the same way for him as for Hillary.
Actually, I thought it was poking more fun at people who want to vote for Bernie since there is no good reason to besides O I like him.
More poking fun at Dems who can’t be satisfied. Clip is pretty spot on.
My own personal crusade to confront irrational Bernie love: Point out the little not nice things he does or says. Like I think saying he would deal with race relations by getting black kids off street corners was a not nice thing. (Actually kind of a large not nice thing.) Making completely unreasonable promises is a not nice thing. I just want people to admit “yeah that wasn’t his best hour” or “he could have said that better.” But they can’t. Because for some Bernie love is an irrational thing which is not so much about the person, with his flaws. It’s about some irrational ideal that doesn’t admit reality. This is not everyone. I have sane friends who have good reasons to support Sanders. But for many it seems to be unexamined cult-like adoration. Which isn’t really health imho.
it’s not really about Bernie qua Bernie for his supporters - they’ve created their own mythical Bernie.
It’s definitely about Bernie qua Bernie for me. I really believe that if by some fluke he was elected president, he would totally break the country because I do not believe he is in any way qualified to run a country. So I have said, unlike everybody else, that I wouldn’t vote for him if it came down to that. And I have an overwhelmingly compelling reason for staying out of the election if he’s my only choice for the Democrats - if someone is going to break everything again, I want him to have and R by his name, not a D.
To at least salvage the future
Just vote for all the Dems you can. Contribute and empower: It starts local. That’s where ALEC has been eating away for years.
I heard someone on CNN the other day describe Bernie’s appeal on campus that kind of spelled out my trouble with it - he’s like a Mork and Mindy t-shirt on a hipster. Just a cool throwback, like buying vinyl or something, he’s a fad. I hate to nominate a fad …
Its an Adobe Flash vid. Try the adobe site for flash problems. Its quite good.
That was someone on CNN. Remember…Sanders might not be what “someone on CNN” says he is. In fact there’s a damn good chance he isn’t.
Well try this. Go back to your “sources of information” and then try some you don’t use and see if it jives. I’m not a Sanders supporter but by in large your post was full of simplifications to the point of falsehood.
Sanders said:
“”“What we will do is say, instead of giving tax breaks to billionaires, we are going to create millions of jobs for low-income kids so they’re not hanging out on street corners. We’re going to make sure that those kids stay in school or are able to get a college education”"""""
You said:
“”"“Like I think saying he would deal with race relations by getting black kids off street corners”"""
Not Black kids. Low income kids. And his point was not what you imply at all. He was saying that if you want to help the lower echelons of our society you have to stop lavishing all our resources on the highest echelons. He did not, as you falsely implied, suggest we remove Black kids from street corners and everything will be hunky dory.
Perhaps it’s you…maybe it’s you that’s got it all wrong on Senator Sanders.
Um, no. He was answering the question about how he is going to improve race relations. So why would he answer about low income kids generally? I think it’s incredibly fair to think that’s what he meant because after all its black kids hanging out on street corners who seem to end up getting shot which is quite bad for race relations. And I am not the only one who took it that way. http://www.thenation.com/article/bernie-sanders-has-an-obama-problem/ In fact you are the only one I’ve seen who has offered the “But he meant all kids” explanation.
By the way, you are kind of demonstrating my point. Your candidate, he is not perfect. It’s ok, no one is perfect. But the inability to see the human limits of this guy, and the need to challenge every criticism as unfair, it’s troubling.
So millions of people are a “fluke”?
Let’s get this straight: So when it comes to Hillary you are a Democrat, but when it comes to Bernie you are a Republican?
“The only thing in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead possum”
–Jim Hightower
Your BS about Bernie and “no plans” is just that–BS. Read up.
Ahh, thank you. I believe I do need to update Adobe. Thanks!
Bernie does not have a chance in hell of keeping his fantastical promises and we don’t need somebody that will scare of Republican voters scared to death of their party’s candidates.
The skit deals with the head heart dilemma. A lot of us recognize Hillary is best qualified to kick the can down the road but we also recognize rhat kicking the can down the road doesn’t do much. The Bernie buzz isn’t about Bernie as much as it reflects a yearning for change. That yearning isn’t going to be satisfied until Democrats take back the states. That only happens when we take control of the party away from the comfortable elites. We need to recognize that our super delegates aren’t so super.
I must be getting old, or else SNL is. I can’t remember the last time I laughed at one of their skits.