Discussion for article #233830
Is this the same guy who made Bobby Jindal look like Greg Brady?
Gosh, this is my favorite story of the month and the month just started. The artist is a classic of the type but he failed to ‘capture’ Clinton, the 42nd President looks like Ted Koppel absent wedding ring and shadow notwithstanding…
Did the Clintons ‘check the artist out’ beforehand? And, why did Shanks “terrify” Clinton?
Hillary, FYI, I know a couple of fabulous portrait artists with credits worthy of a major personage…be square politically but daring artistically, not sorry.
Can I paint a portrait of W? Can I? Please?
So if this “artist” has any intellectual integrity, if he did a portrait of Dubya, the shadow cast from the historically damaging lies of the Iraq war would be so dark that you would barely be able to recognize him.
Haters gonna hate.
Can you paint the shadows of 4,000 American service members and half million dead Iraqis?
Classy, Shanks, really classy.
Looks like Rand Paul.
Shadow nonsense aside, the image doesn’t capture Clinton’s personality at all. And it’s not like he doesn’t have a strong personality to capture.
Nelson Shanks: Shanked the POTUS
glad it’s not just me that found the Ted Koppel influence going on here
Shadow of a blue dress? I dunno… it looks like the shadow of a white dress to me.
Actually, yes.
The Onion once addressed this - http://www.theonion.com/video/george-w-bush-debuts-new-paintings-of-dogs-friends,35799/
Which explains why the composition is off.
Oh dear god are there any grownups in goddamn Washington? Two wars and an economic collapse later y’all still want to talk about an act of infidelity that was never anyone’s damn business but Bill, Hillary and Monica’s?
This is the official White House portrait of Bill Clinton painted for the first time by an African American named Simmie Knox. The mealy mouthed hater needs to be ignored…
Only thing sadder than Obama Derangement Syndrome: old dudes obsessed with Monica Lewinsky. BTW Lewinsky obsession is highest in persons who are covering up their own embarrassing peccadilloes. Every strident rebel yell of tut-tutting disapproval is their attempt to divert suspicion. There’s just no basis for genuine outrage, if you’re a person with a modicum of understanding about how the human psyche works.
It’s overwhelmingly sad