Discussion: Sketchy HHS Report On Cruz Amendment Keeps Getting Worse


TPM, don’t you mean “better & better”?


Of course, Ted Cruz’s nut-job plan looks like manna form heaven to nut-job Price at HHS, but only because they know it will screw every middle and lower class person in the United States.

[E]xperts saying [Cruz Amendment] makes “unconscionable” and “farcical” assumptions in order to come up with a unrealistically positive outcome.

Best damn description of every Republican initiative that I’ve ever heard – tax cuts pay for themselves. Economy is going to grow at six percent. You can have $12 a month healthcare.

This is your GOP Captain speaking. Everything’s fine. Just some minor turbulence.


So Paulie Ryan says that the increase of millions losing health insurance will be the result of people choosing not to buy plans they aren’t mandated to and don’t want. Yet Cruz and this report assume that 100% of people who drop ACA plans or are forced off will buy this worthless junk “insurance” instead? Yup, I want to give $500 a year to an insurance company that isn’t going to pony up $1 of payments toward my care.


You won’t have to use your own money. You pay for it with repealed subsidies and repealed tax credits.


Cruz doesn’t have charm, he has counter-charm.

But…but…but Teddy’s Daddy has said that God told him that Ted Cruz is to rule the earth … ROFL I guess he meant the earth between his ears … SMH

So at what point is this just misuse of government funds? They don’t even seem to be pretending to do things honestly.


Your audacious level of cynicism is awesome … er, I mean troubling. The Republican scum, I mean visionaries, have our best interests at heart. Dr. Mengele over at HHS has a shot that will cure all of us.

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Est $12k for out of pocket deductible…doesn’t that imply the cost of Cruz insurance is actually an additional $1K/month, which means premiums are $1400 / month…

But that’s the beauty of the republican notion of “choice” You can just “choose” not to pay that extra grand a month and forego the care that comes with it. Problem solved!