Discussion for article #232923
Boehner is loving that now he’s not the only bumbling leader trying to corral the right-wing crazies in his caucus.
House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said Thursday he doesn’t know what McConnell’s end game is.
“He’s got a tough job over there,” Boehner told reporters. “God bless him and good luck.”
Uh, John, you may want to stop snickering about Yertle’s problems because at some point, you’re gonna have to stare down the crazies yourself.
“Some Republican senators are growing impatient with this fight.”
Now you know how WE’VE felt for the last six years.
After the senate passes a clean bill, Boehner will have to suspend the Hastert rule to pass it in the house. That’s when the rubber hits the road. Stew on that, Orange Man.
Pay back is a bitch
I hope the Hispanic community is taking note of who has their back when it comes to doing the right thing for young people and their parents who have been in this country for decades and who have been paying taxes.
If you spend even a half hour with Teabaggers, you wiill hear that one of their core beliefs is that Democrats are cowards who are so anxious for compromise that they haven’t any convictions and thus will cave if you just keep bringing up the same bill over and over and over and over and over again until you get your way. If nothing happens, well, that’s fine with them, too.
Don’t budge ONE inch.
I guess McConnell is learning “what goes around comes around.”
No. Quarter.
There are a lot of important agencies in the DHS, but the department itself is almost the definition of Republican fascism.
I don’t think it’s just tea-baggers that think that of the Democrats…
The subject is undocumented aliens. The executive orders concern undocumented aliens. If you wish to earn the respect of the Hispanic community don’t equate the two.
McConnell appeals to “Democrats of good conscience” to drop their filibuster. I guess he has the typical repug short memory.
Maybe we can fund the agencies we like piecemeal. Sort of like the Republicans proposed during the last shutdown.
Why not? Republicans equate the two.
Well, damn. It was such a great strategy when the GOP used it. Now, somehow, it’s unfair. Hey, they got what they wanted, the ultimate result of “be careful what you wish for.” Should they actually succeed in repealing the ACA, then they will truly feel the wrath of the American People.
With FSM as my witness, I will send an icon of Conservative Self-Awareness - a pet rock - to the first elected Republican official who complains, unironically, that the Democrats’ filibuster is preventing legislation that “the American public demands,” based on the last electoral results.
Should hating on Mexican kids be so damned difficult!? Geez…
Wait for it as the MSM criticizes the Democrats for being intransigent and creating gridlock in 3, 2, 1…