Discussion: Sheriff: Oregon Ranchers Have Turned Themselves In

Discussion for article #244278

The group calling itself Citizens for Constitutional Freedom demanded a government response within five days related to the ranchers’ extended sentences.

Or they’re gonna hold their breath and wet their pants. It’s like they’re playing poker with a pair of deuces…and don’t seem to realize it.


“It’s hard to discredit what they’re trying to do out there,” he said.

Well, so much for the people of Petticoat Junction being smarter than these interlopers.


As Al Pacino’s line went in Godfather 2,

Bundy, you can have your answer NOW if you like. Our offer is this: Nothing.


Please refer to these people as what they are. US far right wing home grown terrorists. They are thinkers…people who think they think. Of course they are using their white status to game the system. Their goal is not noble. They simply want to take advantage of free use of land belonging to all of us. But they want to steal the use for their own personal profit and enrichment. It is no different than a family going to a park on government land. They have to help pay for the administration and care of the park. We all pay for park rangers and custodians of publicly owned facilities. There is a fee. White, black any color must pay for their use.


I get it that Western ranchers look over the fence at ‘fallow’ BLM land lustfully, wanting to expand their ranch lands onto public preserves, and understand that the vast expanses of Federal land in many Western states where 3/4 of a large, range-land county is protected Federal land are the physical embodiment of “government over-reach” to their way of thinking. But I wonder when the Militant Libertarians are going to wake up to the political moment and grasp that the Hammond’s claim to Big Government bullying is in the use of anti-terrorism statutes in prosecuting everyday criminal acts and the out-of-whack sentences imposed by mandatory sentencing?

Let’s face it: these are the artifacts of imbalanced, “tough on crime/terrorism” politicized reactions to 9/11 and earlier inner-city drug gang violence. Both Randian Republican libertarians and the bulk of the Democratic Party are already on record as sympathetic to making changes on these fronts. The Bundy’s coulda made a difference, but…

…in the words of a Western governor, “Whoops.”

Will the wingnuts suspect that the feds “got to” the Hammonds?

Are they feeling like they were stabbed in the back?

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Eh… more like fucked in the ass because of stupidity.

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While Cruz calls for the group to “stand down peaceably without violent confrontation” now, last April Cruz sang a different tune: “We should have a fed government protecting the liberty of the citizens not using the jackboot of authoritarianism against citizens.”

It is always a mistake to think of Cruz as a voice of reason.