Discussion: Sheriff Joe Arpaio STILL Isn't Convinced Obama's Birth Certificate Is Real (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #238707

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Should have asked the fucker if Ted Cruz is eligible to be preznit.


Iā€™m not stupid enough to even talk to you

Oh yes you areā€¦


ahemā€¦the old Smith-Corona defense. That went out with spats and Brylcreem. What a jagoff. He has no evidence, just some vitriol that impresses old, withered, racist crones like himself. He is an embarrassment in AZ.


Heā€™s a walking, talking endorsement for the idea of mandatory retirement for police within 5 years of the minimum Social Security age. Anyone with parents or grandparents over 80 knows they donā€™t belong anywhere near law enforcement.


Thereā€™s absolutely no doubt heā€™s stupid enoughā€¦ to do almost anything, as we see in the normal course.

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Like that rube in Tulsa a couple of months ago who donated to the police force rode along with a patrol, confused the gun and the taser and ended up killing a man.


Tapper asked Arpaio why he would ā€˜risk his credibilityā€™ā€¦."

What credibility?


Iā€™ve been around a long time. Iā€™m not stupid enough to even talk to you about it if I didnā€™t think there was a lot of smoke and fire there."

Oh, yes. Yes, sir, you are.


Ancient Aliens. Z-Rays. Loch Ness. Judge Crater. France. Weā€™re doomed.


Whatā€™s worse? The idiot sheriff? Or the electorate that keeps putting him into office? Could you imagine waking up every day and being these hate filled, ignorant people? I am grateful to not be one of them! Thank you, parents! Thank you for making education a top priority for me! Maybe I should say this directly to them? :wink:


Not many people get the joke, but Iā€™ve said that one of my favorite bits of bathroom graffiti was, ā€œJudge Crater - Call your office.ā€ That, and ā€œHeisenberg may have been here.ā€


Can anyone from Maricopa County tell us how this guy keeps getting elected? Even if someone agrees with all his racist bullshit, heā€™s still an incompetent fool whoā€™s wasting taxpayer money.


Many people fell for his BS, but I knew all along Raymond Massey was employing a bit of classic misdirection on us. Bastard. My hamsters never suffered though.

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How long does he ā€œinvestigateā€ this before it goes in the cold case cabinet? If heā€™s got nothing at this pointā€¦and he does notā€¦why would anyone think heā€™s going to get something later? There is also the point the man is incoherent.

Itā€™s shame we live in a country with folks that think this is what law enforcement is.


Iā€™m not stupid enough to even talk to you about it if I didnā€™t think there was a lot of smoke and fire there.

Donā€™t sell yourself short,Joe; youā€™re clearly ā€œstupid enoughā€ to believe this canard. Arpaio has forgotten a cardinal rule: It is better to keep oneā€™s mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.


Arpaio becomes increasingly burdensome to the GOP.

Doesnā€™t he realize that he should be arresting Iran-funded, antisemitic, undocumented Mexican terrorists infiltrating Arizonaā€™s border with Mexico? The children with calves the size of cantaloups who wear 75-lb. nuclear explosive vests are Americaā€™s existential threat, not the phony documents of some lame-duck Kenyan socialist living in the White Peepuls House somewhere back East yonder.

Arpaio muddys the cogent messaging of our Presidential candidates and must be quickly replaced as county sheriff with prejudice, without waiting for another re-election; in extremis if necessary!


yeahā€¦ not so much that he shouldnā€™t be allowed around law enforcement as much as he shouldnā€™t be allowed around gunsā€¦

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Iā€™ve begun to think about Arpiao as the convergence of democracy and feudalism. He tramples the responsibility of his office, acts without compassion, and lacks accountability for his office. Then he uses the basest populist instincts of his electorate and gets reelected.


He has a Smith-Corona.

Or maybe heā€™s just had a lot of Corona? That he confiscates from the all the Mexicanā€™s heā€™s catching?