Discussion: Shepard Smith Laughs When Talking Carson's Pyramid Theory (VIDEO)

You’re telling this to the guy who spent eight years waiting for someone, somewhere in the mainstream media to broach, or even allude, to the obvious intellectual deficits of George W. Bush.


“Are we approaching peak Carson?”

Or perhaps Carson Pass…

As in, it would be best to Pass on Carson.

I cannot agree with you more.

If perfectly good Democratic candidates are yawned off by their constituents and perfectly crazy G.O.P. candidates are not only swooned over BUT DEFENDED IN THE FACE OF LIES AND ABERRATIONS, then we have this Millennium.

I thank God that Mr. Obama was elected and that we have had some good people in Congress at critical junctures.

But the fact of the matter is that the bulk of the population is not like us (mostly) aging political animals. They are absolutely disengaged. Anytime a voting percentage gets like this with people who will die if the Planet is not saved from fossil fuels…that signals ABSOLUTE DISENGAGEMENT. An outlier figure of 30% voting for Democratic constituencies is abominable. That many people probably believe we fought the Russians in WWII. A person like Barack Obama comes along rarely. It took all of his skills to wangle two terms in the Presidency, while, statewise and Down Ticket, the crazies rule.



Precisely. This is a companion attack on Carson with the WSJ criticism on his knowledge of the founding fathers. Carson’s candidacy clearly impedes candidacy(s) of the Faux-preferred candidate(s).

Another thought: It is very disturbing that Faux may not be criticized by fellow MSM members for such partisan interference into the candidate pool. Eventually, will all the corporate “news” empires do the same to promote their own preferred results?

When you are the Republican ‘frontrunner’ and FOX begins to ridicule you…it’s over.

Just dance on outta’ here…you magnificent lunatic you!

(BTW: I’m sure Carson misinterpreted the “pyramid thingy”! Joseph kept his stash of weed in there. That technicolor dreamcoat wasn’t gonna’ weave itself. ~doh!~ )


This is proof the Carson is not the approved candidate of the Murdoch-Ailes machine.

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Actually there are conservatives complaining that Fox is not conservative enough. They are probably the same lot who believe that Grover Norquest is a secret Muslim sympathizer because his wife is Muslim.

I’ve been waiting for the war between the Social Conservatives AKA Dominionists and what used to be called Rockefeller Republican AKA Fiscal Conservatives who are more interested in money than the wet dream theocrazy. The Theocons have been in control of the GOP for a long time but it’s starting to interfere with business. That’s partly why Trump is so popular. The Theocons and Fiscalcons love him because he has merged the two.

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It is tempting to just write this off as one of those kooky things that some people believe; like my mom believing in dowsing for water. But this really should be a disqualifier for any higher office. The reason is, Carson has demonstrated an actual intent to deny all the scientific evidence on something that is blatantly true. And this isn’t even something abstract like climate change or the ozone hole. This is something he could go to Egypt and look at. And he happily goes along with his preferred belief anyway. So what happens if he gets it in his head that Canada is planning to invade us? Is he going to refuse to listen to the facts because they are contrary to his beliefs? He has already demonstrated the propensity to do just that.


Carson’s rejection of debate moderators becomes more clear. Not that anyone would actually ask such a pertinent question.

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Looks like Fox is about to begin the push to make Rubio the GOP nominee.


Sad to see that now Fox doesnt respect strongly held beliefs of an individual in this great country. Like a liberal, they are now opening mocking it.

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That’s how it worked in 2000. They openly preferred McCain to Bush and Bush to Gore and spent the entire Democratic primary engaged in Mean Girl criticism of Gore.


He shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun. He’s nuts!

Except it isn’t in the Bible.


This is why getting out the vote is extremely important. Critical thinkers have got to prove once and for all where we stand on all this craziness. Just look what happened in Kentucky with a low voter turnout. The empty wagons are screeching louder than ever. Rational, thinking people have got to vote in droves or the other side will take over. Please, do whatever you can to get people to vote. Young people, Black people. Asian people. Latino people. And yes, white people.


Dr. Been Crazy.

Thanks for that. I needed the levity.

I fully agree with @Lestatdelc also.
That anyone who is supposedly a “responsible” person would think what Carson does in his various comments is seriously disturbing. In past election cycles he would be loooong gone by now. But at present he’s leading the GOP. Sometimes I wonder if I have awakened into an alternate reality.

I’m extremely worried about the coming election because the turnout locally this past Tuesday was an abysmal 27%

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Relax. Polls don’t really mean anything. When people vote, they act differently (most of the times) than they answer tedious polls.

Yeah, and this Shep Smith dude is a gay secular progressive, at that! (Hmmm … I didn’t know Shep spent time in prison.)

GD, that’s gross! :flushed: