Discussion: Sessions Offers Meek Defense Of FBI In Face Of Trump’s Attacks

It sucks to be funding tax breaks for the Haves, doesn’t it?


All these FBI criminal investigations are interfering with his efforts to be tough on crime.


Really sucks when you ran on white populism.


The thing plagiarized Thoreau; but as long as she’s unhappy I’m happy. What she said and did about The Jersey Girls after 9/11 is unforgivable.

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation."


“I don’t share the view that the FBI is not functioning at a high level all over the country,” Sessions Caspar Milquetoast said.

I still would not buy a used Yugo from him


" I bet he has a photo of John Mitchell on his office wall."

I would not be surprised at all

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More and more each day her wretched soul is cutting through and manifesting to her physical being.

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Sessions presents!
hits of the 70’s (music) when I neeeeed love, I just hold my arms and I touch love…

[quote=“carlosfiance, post:10, topic:66410”]
Hey, at least she´s being honest.She´s miserable, so she wants children to suffer too.
[/quote] she’s not being honest, that’s a sop to the republicans so she can show she completely buys that women are nothing without children. if she’d wanted one she would’ve had one

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great movie

shame on her for stealing that great quote - it reminds me of the tea party speakers who kept up the holocaust rhetoric saying “first they came for…” in their great victimhood as people who’s circumstances were just like the jews in poland

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I don’t have too much of a problem with Sessions’ comments, but I do have a big issue with how FBI agents’ privacy was breached so egregiously under his watch. That’s not getting an agent’s back. It’s one thing to have tempered remarks which balance the views of a crazy President with the responsibilities of running the DOJ, but he doesn’t have to allow the GOP to manipulate the DOJ. This is how Sessions keeps getting into trouble. There was absolutely no reason for him to get involved in Comey’s firing, nor was there any reason for him to be in any room with Trump to discuss any Russia related matter. There is also no reason for him not to crack down on Devin Nunes and his crazy gambits.


Whatever happened to * I don*t remember * ?

Thanks…I guess…? This is the gift I didn’t want! If I asked for the receipt (to return), I suppose you would point me in the direction of the 2018 mid-terms…??

What still amazes me, is that she and Bill Maher are friends. He’s a dope smoking liberal.

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Nailed it!!


He’s a libertarian—not a liberal.

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The Rand Paul variety??

Shouldn’t someone be forming a PAC to push back really hard on this bullshit? Why not run a ton of ads now, on tv, social media, everywhere to bolster Mueller’s credibility with the public, highlight the Republicans’ steaming pile of hypocrisy (e.g. showing prior statements supporting Mueller) and just generally pushing back on the threat to democracy and the rule of law this poses? I would definitely donate.

I think the skirts kept eyes away from her face, which even back in the day had a repulsive mien.

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